A big deal

She could feel her hands shake and sweat drip from the back of her shirt and armpit. She felt like a pig about to get slaughtered. Yes! She was a nervous wreck as she dragged her last luggage out of her room.

It would be her first time being away from her son for more than a day. Usually, she could not wait to get home after a day's work. Now, she would not see him for almost three days.

She believed it would be a big adjustment for both of them. She was just thankful that Lourdes and her family were willing to care for him while she was away. They had been a real family to her and her child.

"Come on, Edison, finish your meal so we can go down to Mama." She heard Sasha's voice in the kitchen as she helped feed her son. 

The young girl had knocked early at her door, knowing she had an early flight. She volunteered to take Edison to her home so he would not see her leave with her suitcase.