The company perks

She woke up slightly disoriented as she looked at the bright light from an unfamiliar window. She stretched her body and felt something different with her pillow and the blanket warming her body.

She blinked her eyes twice, thrice, but the view did not change. She doubted that this was a dream. Then, the memories returned to her gradually as she stared at her beautiful room.

"Good morning!" She mumbled in the air, knowing no one would hear her. She was alone. Her son was not here to wake her up. 

Then, the thought of calling her son came to her mind. "What time is it?" She could not help but ask as she stared at the sunshine radiating through the window.

It was so bright that it almost made it difficult for her to stare at it without blinking and partially covering her eyes. It could be midmorning by the look of the sun's rays.