The luckiest man on the planet

He woke up with his arms slightly numbed from cradling her head and shoulders. His eyes blinked a few times, wondering if this was a dream. Then, last night's event rushed into his memory, reminding him of everything that happened.

He stared at her face, noticing how young she looked when she did not seem to carry the world on her shoulders. Technically, she was too young to have a child, but fate did a number on her. Or rather, whoever that guy was.

"Hey, Ria." He whispered as he attempted to wake her up. But she only stirred a little but did not open her eyes. He let her sleep a little more since he figured it was still barely dawn. 

He carefully untangled himself from her body and then fixed the blanket to cover her body. Then, he stood up and stretched his sore muscles while scanning their surrounding, concluding that the sun would rise soon on the horizon.