Through the front door and not the back door

His heart almost stopped when his phone rang, and the hospital called him. He thought that they were calling about Rosella. He was excited and dreadful at the same time, knowing it could be good or bad news. 

"I will be on my way," David informed whoever was on the other line. 

It appeared the police found a card that said the body they had in possession worked for his company. They just needed confirmation of his identity and to contact any relatives.

He quickly prepared to go to the hospital after receiving such news. He still could not believe what had just transpired. He knew it was possible in their profession but hearing it happened to someone close to him. It still sounded surreal.

Thankfully, it was not about the woman he loved. Still, it was horrible news since Gerald was a good partner and a friend at some point in their lives before he discovered his other identity.