A regular night owl

She was pacing her room after dinner. Thankfully, her father's guests did not decide to stay for long. Now, she just needed to figure out where to go before she made her escape through the back door. 

Haley already had her keys, phone, wallet, and some cash. Her passport? Where did she put it? She quickly rummaged through her drawers. Eventually, she found it just underneath her journal.

Who still kept a journal? She did.

She sometimes liked to write her thoughts on it. But it had been a long time since she had done that. During the times she felt alone. It had been her companion during her lonely nights after her mother died.

"I can go to Marcus." She mumbled as she went in circles. But could she tell her brother the truth? 

If she did, he would do the right thing. That would be to protect her, even if he had to risk his life. She could not do that to him, not after what her brother and Jacky had gone through.