
He yawned for the third time as he played with his mother's phone while sitting on the couch. A woman he did not know was watching him while his mother talked to some people.

His eyes scanned the room, but he could not see anyone he recognized except his mother and his friend, Zach. It would have been nice if there were other kids his age, but all were grown people who talked too fast.

"Are you sleepy, hungry, or do you want to do something else?" The woman attended to his needs, just like his mom would do or sometimes Sasha. 

However, he was bored and sleepy. He just wanted to go home. He had no idea what he was doing in this gathering in the first place. He hardly understood anything that the grown-ups did anyway.

He looked around once again, hoping he could tell his mother to take him home. But he spotted someone else walking his way. He remembered his face but nothing else.