Revert to a stranger

She felt her heart burning in fear as she searched the beach for Favio, the little boy who suddenly went missing from the group. She swore she was watching him when an argument between the kids distracted her.

It was just a split second, but it was enough for Favio to vanish from her sight. When she noticed that he was missing, it was too late. She could not find him anywhere, and nobody noticed where he went.

"Don't worry, Sister, I will find him." She told the other guardians who came with them to the beach. She did not want them to worry more than they already were.

She wanted to have faith that the boy was safe and that she would find him. Since she came to the orphanage, she learned more about herself and her inner strength. 

And her ability to have faith in herself and the kindness of people. She was not letting her past dictate her future. She knew she should learn to fight for her what she wanted and stop letting her fear hold her back.