Uphill battle

After last night's confrontation, he found himself having a hard time sleeping. He ended up waking up before the sun was up. Then, returning to sleep became a struggle. 

He debated whether to call his sister and tell her what he witnessed. As a concerned brother, he believed it was the sensible thing to do. 

"Damn it!" He hated to be in the middle of this situation. 

Of course, he should prioritize what was best for his sister. But he hated that his friend could do this to his sister. And that his friend would be the cause of his sister's pain.

Truthfully, he liked Adam for Serena. He believed his friend would be best for his sister. But not after last night's incident, not after he discovered that his friend was another douchebag.

"Damn you, Adam!" Cursing his friend for putting him in this situation.

However, he also wondered if he should keep his mouth shut. It was not like him to meddle with his sister's affairs.