The light at the end of the dark tunnel

He had given Serena enough time and space to breathe and rethink their relationship. Of course, he hoped after that, she would see and realize the truth.

And what truth was he talking about? 


That life and relationships were complicated entities with no black-and-white explanation. Sometimes, trust was the only way for people to survive in this chaotic world.

No matter how much they tried to avoid keeping secrets or hurting the people they loved. Somehow, they always unintentionally ended up doing precisely that. 

With their chosen professions where lies were predominant, it was easy to get lost. It was far easier to believe the untruths.

But now, he wanted her to see that for their relationship to push forward. They had to learn to trust each other. There should be no more doubts.

"Who is he?" Ken's questioning tone made him look up from the papers on his desk.