A great plan

He animatedly watched the two interact in the small living room. It was like they had not seen each other for decades as they excitedly conversed about anything under the sun to what they had been doing lately.

He could only observe in amazement at the connection the two had. It was as if they could have been in each other's lives for years.

"But seriously, Serena, this is by far the worst disguise you ever wore." He heard the young boy comment with a chuckle as Ken stared at Serena's drabbed clothes and shoeless feet.

"Wait!" The boy said as he walked toward the door of the bedroom. After a minute, he returned carrying a sneaker with him.

"This might fit your feet." He brought the shoes toward her, kneeling before her feet. "It is old and dirty, but it would at least protect your feet from the street.

He appreciated the boy's gesture, demonstrating again how selfless he was. He barely had things he owned, and yet, here he was lending his things.