Chapter:13 (Hunting trip?!)

(After the previous chapter)

Master Kang was now taking leave after ending whatever conversation they were having with a polite smile before I came along. He received a stiff nod from his highness.

As he was leaving, he looked at me and I don't know what came over me but I wanted to startle him a bit so, I gave him a knowing smile, that will give him a false impression that, what they were trying to hide from me, I knew already.

He widened his eyes in shock and paused his walk, forgetting that he was leaving, for the moment. I realized I've never smiled in front of them.

I quickly wiped off my smile and composed my face with a dumb expression as his highness looked my way. Master Kang also regained his composure and went out with a dazed expression. What?! Was my smile that weird?!!

Well, I guess I could try testing it with the other one too...

I bowed and greeted his highness with a sweet smile. And his always expressionless face was startled for once. He composed it after a second. But he didn't seem dazed like Master Kang!

He said, "You seemed to be in a good mood today. There is another good news for you. I'm going on a hunting trip tomorrow outside of the capital for a few days and you are to join along with the rest of the guards."

It was my turn to be shocked! Why me?!! It was only a few days since I started to work for you! So why dragging me into the forest?! Do you suspect me already? Are you working on that theory, "Keep your friends close and enemies closer"? But it was all in my head because I didn't dare voice these out!

Seeing me silent, he asked, "Why? Do have any problem with it? Aren't you happy about it?" His voice dripped with such arrogance!

I quickly recovered and said, "Of course not, your highness, I am very honored to get the chance to go. I was at a loss of words on how to express my gratitude!"

He just nodded like that's more like it. He went back to his works, probably trying to finish some works before tomorrow's trip. So, I excused myself and went towards the bookshelves, pretending to look for something to read and meanwhile thinking of all the problems I'll have to face on this trip. There as a mere servant, I won't have much privacy. And as I'm a female in disguise of a male, how can I even bathe? And where do I even sleep? And most of all, I will have to ride a horse all the time instead of a carriage! It'll be so damn tiring!

All for this annoying Prince! As I was mentally calling him all the bad names I knew, he looked up as if he knew or heard something! My heart skipped a beat! Oh my, that piercing gaze was so scary, threatening to strip my heart bare! I can't even say anything bad about him in my mind now?!

For a moment, we locked eyes, then I averted my gaze, pretending to not notice. But I could feel he didn't look away! I felt his gaze like an arrow pointed toward the back of my head. I clamped down the urge to run away from this room and focused on my breathing to stay calm.

He seemed to be done with ignoring my existence just as I was. Maybe he wanted to say something and was contemplating how to approach me. After a few painful heartbeats, he called me. I cautiously went in front of the table he was working on. He kept his handsome face neutral, hiding every other emotion behind that surface.

Wait! Did I just admit that he was handsome?!! Have I lost my mind completely?! It seems like it, or why else I would find my probable enemy's face handsome?! If only he finds out my identity, he will kill me without a second thought only for deceiving him and throw my body in the river. And here I am ogling his face like a stupid girl! I mentally slapped myself for letting my stupid hormones ruling my head.

He said, "I was investigating that case of the poisoning of the festival day. But whoever tried to poison me, they were quite clever to hide their tracks pretty well. And that maid we captured was killed by the same poison before we could find anything about them." He seemed to be mad about the failure but he didn't show much of his thoughts.

I didn't know about that maid dying! He must be at a dead-end, in this case, to disclose this information to me.

He was carefully assessing my every reaction before he said again, "As there was no clue left, I was thinking what you can find from it as it seemed you are more knowledgeable than you look. Do you have anyone you suspect?"

I took a moment to ponder and then I carefully said, "Your highness, if you want I can look into this matter. I don't have any idea to have a suspect yet. Please give me some time to think and then I can tell you if I can help."

He nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, I'll give you time and you can ask me anything you need to investigate this case. But don't tell anyone else about it or that I gave you this order."

I bowed and said, "I understand your highness. Don't worry, I will keep this in mind."

I knew I was dismissed after it so, I excused myself again to my place and tried to process the information I just got. The prince ordering me to investigate it could mean a lot of things!

Either he suspected me and by giving me this mission, he could monitor my every step and action to confirm it or he trusted me enough which was very unlikely given I was here for only a few days and haven't done anything that might grant me his trust.