Seeking answers from past.

"Kane." I gritted, after answering the call.

"Ohhh, P', seems like you got a call from your cute boyfriend," Kane asked with an evil smirk which can be heard over the phone.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" I asked with an angry tone.

"Clever. Well, it's the only way, I can stop you from getting what you want." He answered.

"What do you mean?" Link asked with a confused face.

"Oh, your ex is with you too. I'm sorry P'Link, I didn't mean to involve you in this mess. Collateral damage, you know." He replied.

"What the fuck you gotta do with Kiet?" Link asked in frustration.

"Everything. He made me live in his shadow, for quite a long time. Now, it's my turn to make him suffer." He sounded like he's really seeking revenge.

"Me? What did I do to you?" I asked.

"You won't understand. Let's just say, it's a return gift from your brother.... oh, sorry Half-brother."

"Are you doing this to win Song?" Link asked.

"Maybe but I also want to see what P'Kiet chooses between life and Love. I'm sorry P', but I can't let you fulfill your dream just like that." He said and giggled.

"The time's running out P'Kiet. Let's see what you choose." He ended the call.

"How did he know about your dad's offer?" Link asked in confusion.

I was thinking of everything he said and that's when all the puzzle pieces started clicking together.

"It's because he's my half-brother whom I hated all these years. I can't believe he came all the way just to get revenge." I said with a scoff.

"Fucking hell." Link said in a shocked tone.

My head was fully occupied trying to find a way to get them both, when I turned towards Link and saw him worried about Sam and his love, just like me.

"Link, what are you gonna do?" I asked, placing my hand on his comforting.

"I let go of the one I loved most once. I can't lose Sam too. Sam's as important to me as Song is to you. I can't let my heartbreak... again. I have made my choice, Kiet, it's time to make yours." He said while standing up.

I looked at him fighting hard with my tears, which are on the verge of showing up. But listening to his words made me think how much he suffered in the past.

"Did you ever regret letting go?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head.

"It's worth letting go. I love you so much, Kiet. So much that I always wanted you to be happy. That was the reason I let you go when you chose Song. I don't want to see you sad, you have suffered enough. Chose wisely, Kiet." He said and went downstairs.

The words he said were the exact ones he said 2 years ago. Realizing how much he suffered made me feel guilty. He still feels it's worth leaving a heartless person like me. He looked at me and left the room. I called Song to check what he's doing. I don't want him to remember his past suffering.

"Kiet," Song answered.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a low tone.

"I'm sorry, Kiet. I can't find an answer. It's all my fault, it's all my fault." He managed to say in between his sobs and started crying hard. My heart was breaking listening to his cries but the thought of his condition was what scared me the most.

"Song, please calm down. Everything will be alright. I will find a way. Okkay?" I tried to calm him even though I was on the edge of breaking.

"I don't wanna lose you too Kiet. I can't bear losing you. I don't wanna lose you, please...." His voice was becoming low and low and his sobbing was increasing.

"Song, try to get a hold of yourself. Neither I nor you are gonna lose each other." I sniffed.

"I know, it's hard for you to choose. It was your dream to be the CEO, but can I ask you one last question?"

"What is it?" I asked in a quiet tone.

"Am I a choice to you?"

My mind went blank after listening to that. I didn't have an answer, my hands left the strength and the phone fell on the ground and Song ended the call. I always chose him no matter what but now.... I don't know.

I still sat in the same place without moving, my mind was still blank. The world I have built started shattering. The light in my life slowly started disappearing and the cold darkness was all that's visible.

For the first time, I got scared to find a way out of that darkness. Nothing like I have ever felt. Everything around me felt more silent than ever. The silence I once loved became the nightmare from which I can't wake up from.

Weeping and sobbing in the room was all that left. The room was so silent and scary that even the creaking sound of the door made me jolt. I looked up and it was mum.

"Kiet," Mum said and sat beside me.

"Son, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I lied. It will only end up with both of us getting hurt.

"I might not know how you're feeling or what you're going through but I can hear those screams." She said while placing her warm hand on mine.

"Link told me everything, Kiet. You don't have to hide it from me." Mum said while placing her palm on my cheek.

My hands flung and hugged her. I finally let go of the tears, I was holding. I started crying hard, sobbing and burying my face on her shoulder while she was comforting and trying her best to console me.

"It's paining, mum. It hurts.....a lot " I said with a muffled tone in between my sobs.

"You haven't decided, have you?" Mum asked while stroking my hair gently.

I broke the hug and saw her face after wiping my tears.

"How can I?. The thought of leaving him is horrifying. I'm scared mum, why am I the one who has to answer it? Why me? My life was going the way I planned but in the end, everything's messed up." My voice became hoarse from my inside screams.

"Mum, what will you do if you were in this situation?" I asked, thinking to get a hint to solve this puzzle.

"...I don't know son, no one can." My hope started fading.

"But," This word brought 'hope' back to life which died the moment the problem came.

"If you're asking me... I can only suggest to you one thing... Rewind your life, Kiet. Think about why did you fall into this situation and what are the choices made you end up here. You will find your answer." She said while standing up.

She was about to leave the room when she stood by the door and called me.


I looked at her in response.

"Son, you chose emotions over logic all these years. For this once, chose the one you have ignored. You may find an answer."

That was it, she left the room. Think of the past, it gives you the answers. Chose what you have to ignore. These are the two sentences, are all in my mind making me rewind all the horrifying wonderful past I had. My past was no less cruel, it only gave me pain.