I have changed?!

"You okkay?" Jordan asked with a concerned tone.

"I'm fine. Did you call him?" I asked while taking a long breath.

"Yes, young master. He's waiting for us." With that, we started walking into the hospital.

Every corner of the hospital showed me my fault and mistakes. I made a stern face trying to hide the fright and tears. We reached the psychiatrist room and saw the doctor making a professional fake smile.

"Good to see you again Mr. Sangkham." He greeted me with the wrong name in his strangely British accent, which always irritates me.

"You can call me Song and it's Saengkham." I corrected the said with a normal English tone.

"I'm sorry, your surname's quite peculiar, it takes time to adapt." He said with a smile.

"I'm afraid I only come here to take my pills and not for the chat or therapy as you presume, Dr. Watson," I said while folding my hands towards my chest.

"You really seem to recover." He said with a smug face.