42. Ten Million Only

"Angela. My name is Angela. I know I can't show any proof that I'm not a bad person. Because I really don't know why I'm here." Angela could guess the thoughts of the man in front of her.

"Looks like you need to take a shower and get dressed first. I ordered the hotel for you to clean your body first. If you believe me, please follow me." Ray replied expressionlessly. Angela, who had no other choice, was finally willing to follow. The woman with blue eyes immediately followed Ray into the car and they left the deserted road by the beach to the nearest hotel where Ray was also staying. However, Ray rented another separate room for Angela. While waiting to check-in, Ray ordered two sets of clothes for Angela.

"I bought two clothes for you. You shower, then change and meet me in the lobby when you're ready. Two more hours is enough?" Ray explained at length.