49. Look Like An Italian Actor

"Come on, you don't need to understand. What you need to understand is… me that you see now is me in10 years later. And, you that I see now is you in 10 years ago to me." Angela replied with a faint smile.

Ray didn't know what to say. Angela's words seemed to pierce the depths of his heart. Is it true that the woman in front of him now is a woman from the future? He thought.

"Then do you know what will happen to me and my mother? But, I guess you don't know because you probably haven't met me ten years ago." Ray replied bitterly.

"Yeah sorry, I never met you in my life ten years ago." Angela bent her face with pursed lips.

"Heh, it's okay. I'd be worried if I found out now. My mother to me is my heart, my pulse, my breath, my life. I wouldn't be ready if I knew from now on my mother's condition ten years later. Or maybe I'll be the one leaving this world first, so you don't know me." Ray answered quietly.