88. Threw Up In The Morning

Actually, Edgar gave Angela the opportunity to come late so he allowed Anna to accompany him. Because if he gave Angela permission to be late just like that, it would immediately arouse suspicion.

After 10 minutes later, Anna came to her boss's room.

"Sir, can we leave now?" Anna asked.

"Okay, you just wait in the lobby. I will go in a minute." Edgar answered without turning to look at Anna who was standing waiting for him.

"Ready Sir." Answered Anna. The female secretary immediately left Edgar's room and prepared everything.

"Anna, where are you going?" Angela, who just arrived just as office hours started, saw Anna who was so busy stuffing documents into her bag and closing her laptop.

"I will accompany the president to meet the client in the morning. Later if someone looks for me, please tell them that I'm out for a while." Anna replied with a friendly smile.