96. Who are you?

"Hello," Angela immediately picked it up.

"Miss Angela?" asked from the other end of the phone.

"That's right, I'm Angela. Who is speaking, please?" Angela asked.

  "Sorry madam, you gave me your cell phone number last night so I can be contacted at any time when Mr Edgar wakes up." The nurse replied.

"Oh yeah, how about that? Has my boss come to his senses?" Angela enthusiastically listened to her.

"He just woke up. Please go to the hospital to see him. Mr Edgar just sat and was silent. His gaze is blank. Maybe Mrs Angela can get him to talk." said the nurse. Angela covered her mouth and smiled happily. Finally, there is a better development.

"I'm going to the hospital after work. Please take care of my boss first. Thanks for the information." The phone was closed. Angela took a deep breath and then looked at Anna's desk. The woman is still busy with her work. Angela decided not to bother her. After work, they can go to the hospital together.