134. Kiss on Forehead

"Got it, chief! Thanks to the chairman we have a better place to live." Answer one of them. The chief smiled triumphantly. And, the herd of black tigers dispersed began to clean up the place that was originally the arena for the duel.

Rudolph slid down from the top of the tree trunk by flying downwards until finally the ground he stepped on made a BUMMMM sound! Everyone in the herd of black tigers who were busy cleaning up the remnants of the battle immediately turned in the direction of the loud noise. Everyone roared in anger because the person who had come was not from their flock. Their leader who saw Rudolph's arrival immediately smirked sinisterly.

"Well, well, it turns out that we have the king of the snake world. The king who has been free from his seal for hundreds of years, or thousands of years?" The lead man tilted his chin while grinning hostilely. Rudolph just smiled faintly.