Chapter 105. Good Evening, My Queen

"Looks like tonight's going to be a very long night, honey," Gu Yi said in a slightly hoarse voice.

A dangerous alarm rang in Fu Xie Lan's mind.

With all her strength she rebelled and freed herself from the perverted man, push him away, even though only a few minutes ago the man's attitude became normal like a man in general, why has it turned crazier and more perverted like this?

Successfully escaping Gu Yi's trap, Fu Xie Lan took a few steps back from the man. Right now, only the bed is the intermediary between the two of them.

"Don't you dare mess around," said Fu Xie Lan, looking at Gu Yi warily.

The man only chuckled, with a very relaxed movement, Gu Yi then slowly lay down on the bed ignoring Fu Xie Lan's threat.

"Come on, Queen. I'm sleepy, I'm sleeping here it's okay right?" and after saying that the man closed his eyes without waiting for Fu Xie Lan's approval.