Chapter 134. Sudden Attack

"Xie Lan, take a look at that," Wan Lie exclaimed.

Immediately Fu Xie Lan's eyes moved to follow the young man's index finger.

There are three paths with different directions.

"What's with that?" asked Fu Xie Lan.

"Which path will we use?"

"It's up to you," said Fu Xie Lan.


"All paths are the same, they will still lead us to human territory," explained Fu Xie Lan.

This is just her guess. The forest of the Zu kingdom is one of the resources of the kingdom, of course, many people are work in it. If you think about it using logic, they will certainly choose to go through a road with access that is a shorter distance from where they live to save time, right? After all, where else would that road lead beside the human race? There were no other races in that place other than the humans themselves.