Chapter 364. Dodge And Hide

Moving in the forest for about a few tens of minutes, the atmosphere was getting gloomy and a little dark. Relying only on the moonlight that managed to escape the leaves to gain a foothold.

Zhou and Chou suddenly stopped, one of the two vampires then jumped onto the same branch as Fu Xie Lan. Makes those who see it stop and wonder.


"Ssshhh...." Wan Lie turned to Xue Ning who was also right next to him, gesturing not to make any sound or movement.

Each of them hid behind a large tree trunk.

Fu Xie Lan, who was very close to Zhou, felt a little uncomfortable. Not without reason, because the man suddenly jumped at her and hid in the same place as her, standing right behind her.

she could even feel Zhou's breath tickle her earlobe. Made her hold her breath.

The two of them didn't move, waiting for the figure they had been wary of.