The Battle that started the Beginning

The sound of blood raining could be heard falling from the skies.

There were two men, both strikingly handsome and dangerously powerful. There was a man with pitch black hair and blue eyes that made the ocean look like a pond on the street, his name was Yin and he was the apostle of the God of Death.

There was another man, he had white hair that if looked at continuously, would make people blind and a jawline as sharp as a blade. His name was Yang and he was the apostle of the Goddess of Life.

"I can believe that he is this powerful, but should have expected this, no wonder he leads an army of demons that are of this caliber." Yin said commanding his undead to slay the demon army.

"Yeah, and his domain is so disgusting, I don't want my perfect white hair to turn red." Yang said annoyingly.

"I can't believe you have time to chit chat while I'm trying to KILL YOU!" The Demon King yelled while sending a blood ray at Yang's face."

"How dare you spit blood on my hair, you must have a death wish, I shall gladly oblige, go general Aurora!" Yang said while sending his strongest holy dragon on a rampage.

"Thats it... YOU HAVE PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH, I'LL KILL YOU, TORTURE YOU TILL DEATH, FEED YOUR LIMBS TO MY DEMONS!!"The Demon King screamed blasting even the bone dragons that Yin summoned to pieces.

"He is growing too powerful, even though he is sealed, he is still the incarnation of evil and is growing more powerful by the second, our armies are withered and his army is expanding if we don't use that move now, we and all of the 9 realms will perish." said Yang.

"You don't mean the move that exhausts both our life force! If we do that move, we wont live then!" Yin complained

"We and all of the 9 realms won't live if he lives!" scolded Yang

"Fine, let's do this!" said Yin

" Oh Gods from above, let these mortals borrow the power of life and death to cleanse this land of the great evils it inhabits...

"STOP THEM NOW!" the Demon Lord yelled fearing what they were about to do.

"SINCE YOU ARE USING A FINAL MOVE I SHALL USE ONE TO! Let this demon unseal his power letting lose destruction and chaos..."

The battle continued, the brothers summons protected them while they were doing their chant, many lives were lost in the battle until it was down to the three men leading the fight.


...DEATH BRINGING RAY OF LIGHT!" the two chanted!

A large beam of death and holy energy shot to the demon king while a giant blood red beam of destruction fired toward the two men, the beams collided and a blinding light shot out from all directions.

"See you on the other side, brother." said Yin

"Same..." said Yang