The Power of Yin

[Call Terminated]

"Ugh, what a cheap skate, I really need to stand out, he has already created skills! Whatever, let's get going" Yin complained as he strolled through the square walking to the Assassin house.

Considering that he is almost there, his walking speed could be considered the running speed for most people, or that he has a lot of points in agility. Willow Town compared to the whole of RPF is just a small fraction, but compared to Earth, it could be considered a small country! Considering that the creators put the starter class houses right next to the hunting grounds, you would think that the players would first get their class skills and weapons but no, a few players had already run off and started to try out fighting monsters with their bare hands and got slaughtered. Yin saw this scene and shook his head, those players obviously had not bothered to read any guides or manuals. It was clear that it would be near impossible to defeat monsters or beast without first obtaining your class weapon. That was unless you were in a similar situation as Yin who had a Hidden Class or someone who was highly skilled. But someone highly skilled would not necessarily make things harder for themselves on purpose, or else Yin would have also just gone straight to fighting monsters. Soon enough, Yin arrived to an old, rundown, building. Inside that building was a lazy old man that was sleeping. Yin was sure that this place was the Assassin house because this was the place that all knight class players went to to get their weapons and skills.

"Hello old man, I'm pretty sure that this is where I learn my assassin skills, could you teach me?" asked Yin.

The old man's snoring suddenly stopped as his eyes slowly opened, "Little kid," the old man said in a threatening voice "I ain't old, and you know it, you must be skilled." the old man stood up as if he wasn't asleep in the first place then a thin veil over him disappeared reviling a young man, maybe in his 20's. He moved his hands into the air, then a dagger that had a menacing aura appeared in his hands, "What do you want?" he asked. "If you don't wanna be called an old man, then stop looking like one, and I'm here to learn some skills." said Yin.

"Oh really, my name is Jack, and if you wanna be able to be a pro assassin, you have to go through unimaginable things and put back everything you love and care for, its a hard path, are you ready to take it?" the teacher said to Yin with a grin hoping to make Yin give up on being an assassin so that he could go to sleep.

This bought back some hurtful memories of his family that he has tried to forget his whole life. When he was young in his past life, Yin and Yang were living a happy life when suddenly a high class demon went over to their hose in order to kill him and Yang because of their threat to the demon species, that was when his parents sacrificed themselves to save them. The last words his mom said made himself lifeless "Run, run away and don't come back!" is what was echoing in his head. These feelings and memories made Yin ooze a murderous aura, suffocating everyone in the area, especially the teacher.

"You... do you think I haven't gone through all this, do you really!" yelled Yin.

Unaware to him, he was actually casting a skill called [Spectral Fang]. The skill summons spatial daggers in his hands that would later be the most powerful daggers in existence.

"How.... HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME REMEMBER THAT!" Yin said as he charged to the lazy teacher that was regretting every second of his life.

"STOP!!" an insanely skilled assassin said while rushing over between Yin and Jack.

As soon as Yin was going to strike the helpless Jack, a dagger hit his dagger and parried the attack.


"Hello, I am the assassin known as the Crimson Flash, this is my disciple Jack, I'm sorry for whatever my disciple has done today, now if you could contain you murderous aura and free the other innocent people, that would be very helpful." requested Crimson.

Crimson looked like a regular assassin with a hood that had glowing red eyes on the inside, Yin couldn't see his face because of the hood but he could tell that Crimson had a threatening tone in his voice when he spoke. When Yin heard this, he was about to increase his pressure when Crimson said that, but when he saw the mans stats, he canceled his pressure immediately because Crimson was not someone who he could mess with now.

[Crimson Flash]

[LVL: ???]


[ATK: ???]

[DEF: ???]

[AGI: ???]

[MAG: ???]

"I am sorry that I snapped Honored Elder." Yin humbly replied.

"Honored elder...?" Crimson let out a small laugh. "I have been called many things before, but that one is a first..." said Crimson.

"You seem to respect your elders, and I like that, since you have a high potential, here, have this." Crimson said throwing a book to Yin while walking away.

Yin's face twitched when he heard that but when he saw the book that ended up in his hands, he let out a gasp, read the description, and instantly learned it.

[Shadow Steps(A) Increase movement speed by 500% and increases movement speed by 1000% in shadows for 5 seconds Cooldown: 5 min LVL: 0]

'Thats broken! And it can be upgraded!, but what about my weapons?' thought Yin.

"What about my daggers!" yelled Yin.

"You already have them." said Crimson.

'Really?' thought Yin as he pulled up his status screen.

[Name: Yin]

[Level: 0]

[EXP: 0/1000]

[Skill Points: 0]

[Stat Points: 10]

[Class: Apostle of Death]

[Class Description: A skilled master in the arts of Necromancy, can summon undead of the highest caliber. Also a skilled master in the arts of assassination. The higher level you are, the more branches of the class shall take effect.]

[Title: None]

[Undead Slots: 0/5]

[HP: 500/500]

[Death Energy: 200/200]

[ATK: 40]

[DEF: 10]

[AGI: 50]

[MAG: 40]

[Gear equipped: NONE]


[Master Assassin's Fury(SSS): Release a massive barrage of attacks dealing 500% of attack damage (must be holding duel daggers). Stacks needed to use: 5 (Charge stacks by hitting opponent once) LVL: 0]

[Master Necromancer's Undead Summoning(SSS): Summon an undead from a corps.

100%= 100 LVLs higher than the user

50%= 500-100 LVLs higher than the user

10%= 1000-500 LVLs higher than the user

1%= 2000 LVLs higher than the user

Cooldown: 1 min LVL: 0]

[Aura (A): Able to detect auras from other players and NPCs, can tell how much aura they are emitting and the potency of aura. You can emit your own aura, the more battle experience, the more aura you emit. Passive LVL: 0]

[Skill Link (SSS): Your skills are always shared with the Apostle of Life, when doing a shared skill at the same time, efficiency doubled (This does not include class specific skills and weapon specific skills). Passive LVL: MAX]

[Gods Pressure (S): Produce an immeasurable pressure that will make anyone fear you easily, the more you want the target to be pressured, the more it will be, chance of instant killing target. Passive LVL: 0]

[Shadow Steps (A) Increase movement speed by 500% and increases movement speed by 1000% in shadows for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 5 min LVL: 0]

[Spectral Fang (SSS) Create daggers that can go in and out of space, teleport to your hand at will, and increase attack by 75%. Cost: 50 Death Energy LVL: 0]

[??? LVL: MAX]

[Fame: 0]

[World Fame: 0]

[Universe Fame: 1000 (From announcement of Hidden Class)]


Crimson looked behind him so see Yang looking like he was playing with a brand new toy.

"Master, why did you let him of so easily, and why was his pressure so, monstrous." Jack asked while shuddering.

"He is one of the most skilled assassins I have seen today, probably so skilled, heaven has sealed him, If I wasn't their to save you, you would have been dead by now." Crimson replied.

"Do not view that teenager as a child, whether it is mental acuity or emotional maturity, there is much more to him than the eye can see." Crimson said.

"What makes you so certain?" Jack asked.

"His core, it is that of pure death energy." Crimson replied.

"What! Thats impossible, no one has come into contact with the God of Death in a millennia!" Jack said.

"I suspect that when he is developed, his strength will not even be comparable to mine. Do not make him your enemy Jack, as one of the 5 you should know by his pressure he is an entity that is supreme. If treated with trust and respect, he will be become your greatest ally, but if betrayed, will lead the universes to its demise." warned Crimson.