A New Quest


"Shut up and calm down, we are still on the streets ya know. Just accept the quest." Yang warned Yin.

[Quest: Saving the Beast Realm is shared with Yin]

Many people were staring at them with looks of disgust and some NPCs even told their kids to close their ears.

[You have lost -10 favorability with all NPCs in the area, current status (Unwanted)]


"Let's use our stat and skill points first and start hunting" said Yin.

"Ok," said Yang.

Once Yin finished, this is what Yin's stats looked like now.

[Name: Yin]

[Level: 0]

[EXP: 0/1000]

[Skill Points: 0]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Class: Apostle of Death]

[Class Description: A skilled master in the arts of Necromancy, can summon undead of the highest caliber. Also a skilled master in the arts of assassination. The higher level you are, the more branches of the class shall take effect.]

[Title: None]

[Undead Slots: 0/5]

[HP: 500/500]

[Death Energy: 200/200]

[ATK: 40]

[DEF: 10]

[AGI: 60]

[MAG: 40]

[Gear equipped: NONE]


[Master Assassin's Fury(SSS): Release a massive barrage of attacks dealing 500% of attack damage (must be holding duel daggers). Stacks needed to use: 5 (Charge stacks by hitting opponent once) LVL: 0]

[Master Necromancer's Undead Summoning(SSS): Summon an undead from a corps.

100%= 100 LVLs higher than the user

50%= 500-100 LVLs higher than the user

10%= 1000-500 LVLs higher than the user

1%= 2000 LVLs higher than the user

Cooldown: 1 min LVL: 0]

[Aura (A): Able to detect auras from other players and NPCs, can tell how much aura they are emitting and the potency of aura. You can emit your own aura, the more battle experience, the more aura you emit. Passive LVL: 0]

[Skill Link (SSS): Your skills are always shared with the Apostle of Life, when doing a shared skill at the same time, efficiency doubled (This does not include class specific skills and weapon specific skills). Passive LVL: MAX]

[Gods Pressure (S): Produce an immeasurable pressure that will make anyone fear you easily, the more you want the target to be pressured, the more it will be, low chance of instant killing target. Passive LVL: 1]

[Shadow Steps (A) Increase movement speed by 500% and increases movement speed by 1000% in shadows for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 5 min LVL: 1]

[Spectral Fang (SSS) Create daggers that can go in and out of space, teleport to your hand at will, and increase attack by 100%. Cost: 50 Death Energy LVL: 1]

[??? LVL: MAX]

[Fame: 0]

[World Fame: 0]

[Universe Fame: 1000]

This is what Yangs stats looked like.

[Name: Yang]

[Level: 0]

[EXP: 0/1000]

[Skill Points: 0]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Class: Apostle of Life]

[Class Description: A skilled master in the arts of Summoning, can summon creatures of the highest caliber. Also a skilled master in the arts of swordsmanship. The higher level you are, the more branches of the class shall take effect.]

[Title: None]

[Summoning Slots: 1/5, Aurorus]

[HP: 500/500]

[Life Energy: 250/250]

[ATK: 60]

[DEF: 20]

[AGI: 20]

[MAG: 50]

[Gear equipped: NONE]

[Beast Will: Heavenly Demon Dragon King 1/5 stages (Aurorus) Time of Effect: 1 minute, Cost: 2000 Life Energy, Cooldown: 2 weeks]


[Master Swordsman's Sword dance(SSS): Do a dazzling swords dance dealing 500% of attack damage (must be holding a sword) Cooldown: 5 min LVL: 0]

[Master Summoner's Holy Summoning(SSS): Tame a creature that you can connect to

100%= 100 LVLs higher than the user

50%= 500-100 LVLs higher than the user

10%= 1000-500 LVLs higher than the user

1%= 2000 LVLs higher than the user

Cooldown: 10 min LVL: 0]

[Aura (A): Able to detect auras from other players and NPCs, can tell how much aura they are emitting and the potency of aura. You can emit your own aura, the more battle experience, the more aura you emit. Passive LVL: 0]

[Skill Link (SSS): Your skills are always shared with the Apostle of Death, when doing a shared skill at the same time, efficiency doubled (This does not include class specific skills and weapon specific skills). Passive LVL: MAX]

[Gods Pressure (S): Produce an immeasurable pressure that will make anyone fear you easily, the more you want the target to be pressured, the more it will be, low chance of instant killing target. Passive LVL: 1]

[All Seeing Eye (SSS): Can see any living beings stats in The Realm of the Past and Future that is up to 100 LVLs higher than you. Passive LVL: 1 (Class specific skill, cannot be shared)]

[Heaven Breaker (SSS) Create a sword that can defy the heavens! Can always stick to hand if user wills it too, Increases attack by 100%. Cost: 50 Life Energy LVL: 1]

[??? LVL: MAX]

[Fame: 0]

[World Fame: 0]

[Universe Fame: 1000]

"For now, we should save my stat points and skill points. Since skill points are quite hard to come by, we should think carefully before spending them. For now, we need to level up and earn some currency." said Yang.

"Hey, I got an idea! Let's knock out 2 birds with one stone! Let's get a quest from the quest board and complete it while hunting!" suggested Yin.

"Wow, I didn't know you were smart! Let's go!" said Yang.

"YOU MOTHER@#...."

[You have lost -10 favorability with all NPCs in the area, current status (Avoid at all times)]

As soon as Yang and Yin got to the quest board, they started to search for a good quest. Then a hard, but rewarding quest that would help them at least talk to the NPCs showed up.

[Save the Mayors Child]

[Description: The Mayor of Willow Town has lost his daughter in the Oak Forest]


[1. Find and save the Mayor's daughter]

[Party Members: 2/10]

[Time Limit: 1 day]

[Quest Punishment: All NPCs in Willow Town will think of you as a [Mortal Enemy] and try to kill you through various methods, you will also be kicked out of the town]

[Quest Reward: All NPCs in Willow Town will think of you as a [Savior] at all times no matter what you do, ???]

[Do you accept Y/N]

"This is the perfect quest! The punishment is harsh, but I think we can do this." said Yang.

"Agreed, let's go to Oak Forest" replied Yang.

Soon, the two went to Oak Forest to level up, the mobs there were Black Wolves and Wild Boars. For each level, a player gets 10 stat points. For every 5 levels, a player gets 1 skill.

"For now we should save our stat and skill points. Since skill points are quite hard to come by, we should think carefully before spending them. For now, we need to level up and earn some currency to buy stuff in the village." said Yang while cutting off a boars head.

"Agreed, what level are you now?" asked Yin as he stabbed wolf in the eye.

"I'm level 10, you?" asked Yang.

"10 as well, did you get any new skills, cause I did." Yin said with a grin.

"Don't think you are special. I got one too, it is going to be great for finding the mayor's daughter in this quest, have a look." Yang said as he pulled up the new skill he unlocked at level ten.

[Life Detector (A): Able to detect life around you in a 100 meter radius. Cost: 100 Life Energy Cooldown: 30 min LVL: 0]

"Nice, but its no better than mine." replied Yang.

[Death Detector (A): Able to detect corpses around you in a 100 meter radius. Cost: 100 Death Energy Cooldown: 30 min LVL: 0]

"Wow, our skills are too similar, probably has to do with how similar our classes are. I'm going to use my skill to see if there are any signs of the mayor daughter." said Yang as he activated his skill.

Soon his eyes started to glow a bright golden color as he scanned for the mayor's daughter, then he soon found a signature.

"Over their! There is a beast signature right next to her too! She might be in trouble!" yelled Yang.

"Damn it, we have to hurry!" said Yin as they both rushed over to her.

Soon, the two came over to see something that shocked them to the core.

"That isn't, what I think it is, right..." Yang said.

"HOLY @#^&"