Splitting the Loot

[Loot Drop:]

[-10 silver coins]

[-x3 Sun Lion Hide]

[-x1 Concentrated Holy Beast Core]

[-x1 Fire Fang Sword]

[-x1 Sun God's Pendant]

[-x1 Lion's Roar Ring]

[-x1 Skill Book: Flame Pillar]

What amazing loot that dropped! The rarest thing that dropped was without a doubt the skill book! The chances of such a thing dropping were astronomical, most likely less than 0.001%, but because it was the first kill on this world boss, their chance increased greatly and they were lucky enough to come across it!

Even though the skill book was the most valuable item, that did not mean the other items were useless. In fact, there were accessories which were quite difficult to get a hold of, especially this early in the game. Their gains from this would cause those with bad intentions to have a great deal of greed, especially if they knew about that skill book! But, none of the three here were stupid enough to disclose the items they received so lightly to others.

The first item that Yang had picked up and sighed at amazement because of was the skill book. When he read the description of the skill, he could not help but react that way.

[Flame Pillar (A): A heavy ranged attack that involves kicking off the ground with full force and then stabbing the sword into the ground, shooting out Flame Pillars in all directions. Each Flame Pillar does 100-200 damage and burn damage. Requirements: 100 strength Cooldown: 30 min LVL: 0]

An A ranked skill and a life-saving skill at that! One could choose to use this skill to cause heavy AOE damage and turn a battle around instantly! This was an ideal skill for a swordsman. If and swordsman were here and saw that skill, they would be so green with jealousy and feel endless regret for not being able to obtain it. That was an A ranked skill! Even later into the game, they were going to be quite difficult to come by!

Yang did not have the strength requirements to use this skill quite yet, but he did have some stat points he could invest, after all, he leveled up a total of 2 times!

Dawn and Clay and Aspen could not help but sigh with amazement as well if only the skill book would've been suitable for one of them they may have had a chance to obtain it. But, since neither of them was an agility based class and could not bother wasting points on such a thing, it could only belong to the Yang who was obviously very strong!

"Since neither of you belongs to the swordsman class, this skill is most suitable for me. Do any you have any rejections?" Yang looked over at Dawn, Aspen and Clay.

"I have an objection! WHY THE F*UCK DO YOU GET SUCH A GOOD SKILL GOD DAMN IT!" Yin yelled in sorrow

"SHUT YOUR DAMN TRAP!" Yang yelled at Yin the glanced back at the 3.

"Any?" Yang asked again.

"Even if we wanted to fight with you over it, we should at the very least be a class that can use the skill. So it only makes sense that this skill belongs to you" Dawn gave a reassuring smile.

"Indeed, if it was a priest based skill or a mage based skill then we might have something to say, but there is not even much need to think this choice over" Aspen sighed with a bit of regret that it was not a mage based skill. How amazing would that be to own an A ranked skill? If he knew that Yang already had over 5 SSS ranked skills, he would probably curse him for his good luck and drown in sorrow!

Yang nodded and didn't hesitate to even use the skill book as soon as it went to his inventory!

[System Alert: Are you sure you wish to learn this skill?]

'Yes' Yang thought

[Ding! Congratulations, you have learned Flame Pillar!]

The skill was grayed out on his skill list showing that he didn't have the requirements to use it yet. But he wasn't too worried about this since he would have what was required soon enough.

The silver coins, on the other hand, that would obviously just be divided evenly between them. 1 silver coin was equal to 100 bronze coins! That meant 200 bronze coins for each of them. The next thing Yang did was divide the silver coins, 2 each.

The next items he divided was the Concentrated Demonic Beast Core and the Shadow Wolf Hide. Aspen offered to give up his piece of Sun Lion Hide for the Concentrated Holy Beast Core so that he could use it for his Blacksmithing. Yin and Yang had no problem with this and neither did Dawn and Clay, he had contributed much to this victory so he deserved certain benefits.

Yang gave all three pieces of Shadow Wolf Hide to Luna, after all, he had gotten a skill book so giving up that item could be seen as a small token of his appreciation. Dawn did not bother being shy about it and received the x3 Sun Lion Hide from Yang. She wouldn't use them but sell them for silver. After all, this kind of material was extremely rare at this stage in the game and a lot of the big guilds would pay a nice sum for it.

Next up was one of the accessories, the 'Lion's Roar ring'. It was an uncommon item, but that didn't take away from its value at all.

[Accessory Name: Lion's Roar]

[Accessory Rank: Green (Upgradeable)]

[Requirements: 50 Magic]

[Mana: +100]

[Accessory Skill: Lion's Roar (Active) - Allows the wearer of the ring to have make any attack an AOE attacks. Last 2 minutes Cooldown: 10 minutes]

"What a useful ring.." Yang thought to himself as he glanced towards Dawn and Aspen's direction. Her eyes were sparkling while looking at that ring, most women loved accessories, after all, be it in real life or a video game. Even in the 9 realms where Yang was originally from, women loved jewelry and all kinds of accessories.

Most would probably be crying in regret because such a skill is so OP! The skill made ALL mana based skills do AOE damage! Such a ring would break the game at this stage! Even though it only lasts for 2 minutes, it is still very useful.

"I WANT IT!" Dawn and Aspen said at the same time, then they gave each other death stares.

"If you both want it, let's do rock paper scissors!" Yin said in delight.

"Sure!" they both said with determined expressions.


"Looks like Daaaawwwwn is the winner!!" Yin said while pretending to be a game host.

"GOD DAMN IT!" Aspen cursed under his breath while Yang gave the accessory.

Dawn had the requirements to equip the ring and so she instantly put it on and a lovely smile blossomed on her face as she admired her new piece of equipment.

Yang without even taking a moment to decide tossed the sword to Clay. When Clay received the sword, his eyes nearly popped out of their socket and he almost shed tears of joy! Yang threw him a weapon like this so easily?! He wasn't dreaming, right? He wouldn't wake up the next moment and find out this was all just a dream right? He was so excited that that smile on his face wouldn't go away.

Aspen was also quite shocked by how generous Yang was when he saw that weapon he gave to Clay. He let out a long sigh... If only more players were so fair when dividing loot a lot of problems could be avoided. Most players in this situation would do their best to get all the items possible, but Yang was instead sharing fairly just like he stated he would. He gazed at Yang, his eyes filled with endless admiration.

"You are an amazing person Yang! I shall be your rival!" Aspen said with a determined look.

"Ok?" Yang replied while everyone laughed

Yang already had his Heaven Breaker, so he wouldn't take all an item he would not bother using.

[Weapon Name: Fire Fang Sword]

[Weapon Rank: Blue (Upgradeable)]

[Weapon Level: 10]

[Requirements: 70 Attack]

[Attack Damage: 30]

[5% chance of burn damage]

[Weapon Skill: Flaming Heat (Active) - Releases an intimidating pressure in the atmosphere causing those within 10 meters to be 'Feared' for 3 seconds. Deals 50% of the user attack as magic damage every second the enemy is feared! This skill damage ignores physical defenses! Lasts for 1 min Cooldown: 5 minutes]

A rare sword with an active skill attached to it! This would make Clay one of the top tanks on the server at the moment! One had to know that most people had only common weapons right now and those who had uncommon weapons were considered extremely lucky! Those who had rare weapons or items at this moment could probably be counted on just one hand!

Clay had to control his breathing as he equipped the sword instantly after spending his stat points! The sword sat on his side, it was a shiny golden color with a smooth body and an incredibly sharp edge. It gave off a light milky aura that was the trademark of all rare weapons.

Yang had a slight smile appear on his face from the way Clay reacted. He could not help but to be amused by it as he retrieved the very last loot item the Sun Lion dropped which was a necklace.

[Accessory Name: Sun God's Pendant]

[Accessory Rank: Green]

[Agility: 30]

The necklace itself didn't have any sort of special effect, but it gave an insane amount of agility to make up for it.

Yin looked at Yang with baby doll eyes that would make a puppy cry in shame.

Dawn, Aspen, and Clay were already very satisfied with the items they received, especially so for Clay who received a rare weapon! Neither of them would have any problems with the Necklace going to Yin.

"Get lost!" Yang said while throwing the necklace to Yin.

"Brother you are the best!" Yang yelled while running around with the necklace.

Yin felt as though he became a bit lighter when that necklace equipped onto him. As soon as he equipped the necklace, he felt multiple times faster and could probably beat any player in the game with his speed factor. They finally finished looting the corpse of the Sun Lion as it turned into energy particles before dispersing in the atmosphere.

Yang had a small grin on his face as he looked at his character window, "I never thought that these video games could be so rewarding and exciting" he mumbled to himself.

[Ding! You have received a friend request from Dawn, do you accept?]

[Ding! You have received a friend request from Aspen, do you accept?]

[Ding! You have received a friend request from Clay, do you accept?]

Yin and Yang snapped out of astonishment when he heard the system alerts going off. He looked over at Luna and Halls with a curious look on his face.

"We should party some time when you're free. We could even run dungeons together in the future if you're up for it. You can call us any time you need something, we're in your debt" Clay said with a friendly smile on his face. It was rare to meet such strong players randomly, so he would like to be friends with Yin and Yang.

"If you ever need a Priest for a quest or hunting you can feel free to contact me. You seem like the reckless type to go into dangerous situations alone after all" Dawn had a small smile on her face and looked very gentle and serene at that moment.

"You might be more powerful than me at this stage, but just wait, I will have enough power to blow you into smithereens! Also, if you need a mage during a raid, I'm always available!" Aspen said with a smile.

Yin and Yang nodded with a smile before accepting both of their friend requests.

[Ding! You have added Dawn as a friend!]

[Ding! You have added Aspen as a friend!]

[Ding! You have added Clay as a friend!]

"We haven't had a chance to properly introduce ourselves. I'm Dawn, a Priest. Nice to meet you." although they could tell each other names from the party member list, it was still a show of respect to offer a proper introduction.

"I'm Clay, a Warrior. Hahaha, I'm not all that good with greetings and stuff"

"I'm Aspen, a mage. You're both quite skilled!"

"Hello! I'm Yin! This is my elder brother Yang! Nice to meet you! You know...." Yin rambled on for 30 minutes.

"And thats it! You know, you guys are quite skilled, we would make the perfect party!"

Clay, Aspen, and Dawn blinked in surprised when they heard him say that. Coming from a player like Yin who was monstrous, the fact that he called them good should be considered a huge compliment. Though they could only blush in shame as they knew they couldn't compare to him, at this moment.

"You really know how to give someone face hm? Hahaha" Clay just laughed it off playfully.

Dawn couldn't help but release a light giggle by how straightforward Yin was. She had met a lot of guys before and they either tried to hit on her or were utterly repulsive to talk to. They always whispered sweet things to you but never meant any of it. Honest guys like Yin were quite rare, she couldn't help but become a bit more interested in him.

"We're going to head back to town for now and meet up with the people we originally formed a party with, do you want to come along?" Clay offered even though he knew the most likely answer.

Yin and Yang shook his head while responding, "That's alright, we plan on exiting the game to check on our sister."

[Ding! Players Yin and Yang have left the party!]

"Take care of yourself, I hope your sister is fine." Dawn said as she said good bye.

"You three as well, have a safe trip on your way back. Also if those guys from earlier give you any trouble let me know, I'll come over as soon as possible" a cold glint flashed in Yin and Yangs eyes. He was referring to Max, Liam, and Felicia. Those three were no good people and now that they saw that world boss slip away right through their fingers they might try to get revenge.

"Heh, don't worry if those guys dare try to bully us, let's just see how they like my Fire Fang Sword!" Clay said confidently.

"Yeah, and how do you look under your masks?" Aspen asked in curiosity

"ASPEN!" Dawn yelled. Yin and Yangs build might be amazing, but she didn't want to make them feel insecure about themselves, especially when they just became friends.

"No need, since we are friends, we shall show you." Yang nodded to Yin and soon they took of their masks.

"Holy Moly, I can't say shit because you guys are models!" Aspen yelled


Dawn just blushed, she couldn't look at them or she was afraid that she would jump and kiss them.

'Am I falling in love?' Dawn asked herself.

"Am I turning gay?" Clay said out loud

'GOD DAMN IT, I HATE THIS SKILL!' the two thought at the same time.

Dawn, Aspen and Clay then headed off back towards the direction of Opal Village.

Yin and Yang looked towards the other direction heading further into the forest before finally starting to walk that way. But what he didn't notice was that not far from where he was, a lone shadow was peering at him from within a tree.

This person had to be extremely skillful in order to avoid the duos natural detection abilities. How terrifying!

"Heh, how interesting..." the shadow said before vanishing from his position leaving no trace behind.