Naruto was making his way home, having just finished his debriefing with Tsunade. The busty Hokage had not been particularly impressed with the way he had handled that battle.
That was perfectly understandable, since Naruto wasn't all that impressed with how he had handled it either. There were quite a few things he could have done better in that fight, but he'd just been so eager to test out the strength seal that he had deliberately prolonged it. He could have just thrown Hidan into the distance at the start or broken him in half and he wouldn't have been an issue, but he had played with the religious nut instead.
Still, the fight was won, the strength seal tested and if the memories of his shadow clone were anything to go by, an immortal test subject was secured. All in all, things had turned out quite well.
Now it was time to get back home and finish what he and Xanna had been doing before Ino had interrupted.
He entered his apartment and called out in a deliberately overly cheerful tone.
"Honey, I'm home!"
The half amused, half derisive snort that came from the living room told him where his lovely demoness was. But what the hell was that stench? The answer to that question became obvious once he stepped into the room.
Naruto gazed at the four corpses layed out on the floor, three of them with large holes in their chests and a fourth that looked as if he'd been set on fire from inside and then doused before he could be too badly damaged. Their ABNU style gear wasn't really painting a very comforting picture.
Xanna was apparently just relaxing and enjoying the breeze, with three empty tubs of ice cream next to her
"What happened?" He asked.
"Danzo sent these four puppets to bring me to him. As you can see, I took exception to that." The demoness explained with an amused smirk.
Naruto twitched with well contained fury at the sheer gall of the man, trying to abduct the woman he loved for whatever idiotic reason he had. It didn't matter that the old bat had chosen the absolute worst possible target, what mattered was that he had tried to take away someone that was dear to him.
"I see."
So Danzo wants to play hardball does he?
Apparently it was about time that Danzo learned that he wasn't the only one capable of ignoring the law when it became inconvenient.
Well, Naruto hadn't done anything but send his clones to snooze on council meetings so far anyway. He had no interest in all in the political goings on of the village, nor did he have any kind of political agenda, so snoozing was the only thing they could do.
But clearly, it was time to make a political statement and by political statement, Naruto meant assassination.
By the time he had decided on this course of action, his mind had already sifted through the resources available to him and what he knew of Danzo. The conclusion was, that an assassination was most certainly doable, he just needed to get a few things in place first and wait for the proper time.
But he needed to get rid of these corpses first, before they started stinking any worse. It was a good thing that Xanna had kept the windows open, or else the apartment would reek worse than a morgue by now.
The training of Team Gai was something that nobody ever wanted to get close to, which is why they weren't used to being interrupted. Even though Neji and Tenten weren't as obsessive with their training as the two green beasts, they still made sure to train together often so that their teamwork was top notch.
This was why it came as a bit of a surprise when Naruto walked in on their training.
"Tenteeeeen." The blond called out in a sing-song voice, walking towards the girl in question with his shoulders hunched and his fingers wiggling.
"Naruto-sensei?" The weapons user asked with aphrehensive confusion at her Fuinjutsu teacher's strange behavior.
"You know, I just realised that you should probably be calling me 'Naruto-shishou', since you're my apprentice and not my student." Naruto said offhandedly.
"Um...okay, Naruto-shishou. Is that why you're here?" Tenten asked nervously, because the blond was still acting oddly and he had almost reached her by now.
"Oh no, I'm here because I need you to give it to me." The blond answered, his hands reaching for the girl, making her skitter away.
"What do you need me to give you?" She asked even more nervously.
"You know what i'm talking about. I need it." There was a grin on his face by now and he finally managed to snag an arm around her waist.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Naruto-shishou." Tenten insisted and tried to get out of his grip, but he just pulled her closer.
"Oh but I think you do, and I really must insist that you give it to me." He answered her with his hand groping around on her back, while she pushed against his bare chest in an effort to get away.
"Naruto, it is most unyouthful to treat a lady this way." Gai said in his best imitation of a gallant tone. "Unhand her, or I shall be forced to defend my student." Lee teared up and started writing frantically into his notebook, believing that Gai-sensei was the world's leading authority on everything.
Gai was unfortunately ignored completely by Naturo and Tenten.
"Can't you let me keep it for just a little longer? I promise I'll give it to you, but I just need a little more time." Tenten pleaded, giving up the ignorant act.
"Tenten, you should not give in to his unyouthful demands like that!" Gai said in a scandalized tone, but was ignored yet again.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist. It's been long enough and it's about time you stopped holding out on me." Naruto said firmly, setting the teenage girl down.
Tenten sighed, looking very sad and kind of sulky but nodded her head. "Alright shishou, I understand." She reached into her tunic, but Neji interrupted before she could pull her hand out.
"Tenten! You aren't seriously going to...with Naruto...right here?" He sputtered out, too embarrassed to finish the sentence.
Tenten looked at her teammate in confusion, pulling a scroll out of her tunic and giving it to Naruto. She rewound the conversation in her head quickly, trying to figure out what Neji was talking about when it suddenly hit her.
"Perverts!" She screamed at her team and spun into a roundhouse kick that got all three of them in the face, finally realising what exactly had been going through their minds.
"Excellent kick, perfect form!" Gai complimented from the floor with a bright red mark where he'd been hit.
Naruto meanwhile, had unsealed the Kusanagi from the scroll and sealed it back into his coat. Tenten had conveniently 'forgotten' to return it after the debacle with Deidara and Sasori.
"You know, come to think of it, I've never slept with a virgin before." Naruto commented idly.
"Ero-shishou!" The red faced Tenten yelled at her Fuinjutsu master and gave him a roundhouse kick as well.
"Tell me something Tenten, which would you rather give me, the Kusanagi or your virginity?" Naruto asked with a grin, the slight bruise from the kick healing over rapidly.
Tenten huffed and did her best to look angry, but the boiled lobster color of her face made it hard. She would never admit that the question left her feeling seriously conflicted.
A girl's first time was important, but the Kusanagi was a really great sword. Now that she had been able to play around with it for a while, she wanted it even more.
Naruto laughed at his embarrassed apprentice and mussed up her hair. Her fascination with sharp and pointy implements of murder, especially legendary implements of murder, was so cute.
"I do have a consolation prize for you though." The blond said, grabbing her attention again.
"Consolation prize?" She asked curiously.
Naruto reached into his coat again, unsealed Hidan's triple bladed scythe and tossed it towards her. "A Jashinist scythe!"
Tenten's eyes glimmered with interest as she instantly took in the excellent forging and high quality metal used in the construction of the weapon.
"Where did you get this? These are really rare and I've heard that the order of Jashin protects them...well ...religiously." She asked in wonder and swung it around a few times to test the balance. She was very pleased to note that despite it's awkward appearance, the weapon was very well balanced.
"Took it off a Jashinist that joined up with Akatsuki, you should have seen the look on his face when I took it from him." Naruto chortled at the memory. It was going to be even more funny seeing the outraged look that Hidan was going to shoot him when he was told about this.
"You're the greatest Naruto-shishou!" Tenten cried out and gave her blond Fuinjutsu master a hug, nearly stabbing him with the scythe. It wasn't as good as the Kusanagi, but it was still a very nice gesture.
"Take notes Neji, the way to a girl's heart is through her weapon stockpile." Naruto said sagely towards the impassive Hyuuga, who had long since recovered from the kick.
"Not a chance in hell." Neji said blandly. He was not going to act as idiotic as Lee and write down life advice, especially not life advice from Naruto of all people.
The lifeless body of Nii Yugito fell to the ground, her Bijuu extracted.
It had taken nearly five days to do it, because Hidan and Kakuzu had never returned to the sealing. Zetsu had been sent to investigate, but had found only a shattered battlefield.
"Looks like the zombie brothers got beat by the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki." Kisame commented as the remaining members of Akatsuki opened their eyes.
"We have sealed two Bijuu and lost four members. This is unnacceptable." Pain said and paused before continuing. "Hidan was in Konoha when I was last able to sense him. He has no doubt been captured and his ring removed."
That was the entire purpose of the Akatsuki rings in the end, tools meant to allow Pain to connect their minds and chakra for the sealing. With those rings on their fingers, he could speak to them over vast distances and always knew their locations.
"Zetsu, I want you to infiltrate Konoha and find Hidan, see if it is possible to extract him." Pain commanded.
"Understood Pain-sama." The black half of Zetsu responded and vanished.
"Tobi, what of the Sanbi?" The Rinnegan wielder questioned.
"Tobi and Zetsu couldn't find it, but a nice fisherman told Tobi that he saw shinobi with music notes trying to do something to a giant turtle!" Tobi said with much enthusiasm. That nice fisherman had been put into a Genjutsu that made him think that Tobi was his best friend in the entire world and that he should tell him everything.
Everyone waited for the masked man to elaborate, but he just kept standing there, looking around and giving the distinct impression that he was very pleased with himself.
Pain suppressed the urge to sigh in irritation at Tobi's, or more accurately, Madara's antics and prodded. "And?"
"They failed and the big turtle swam out to sea. Maybe they should have played a song for it instead? They should be good at that shouldn't they, since they were Sound shinobi? Hey hey, Itachi-senpai, do you think Orochimaru knows how to play the piano?" Tobi answered and then went off on a completely irrelevant tangent.
Itachi closed his eyes and ignored the masked man. He wasn't going to play these ridiculous games that Madara seemed hellbent on.
"Itachi and Kisame will go after the Yonbi next, Tobi will continue attempting to find the Sanbi until Zetsu returns." Pain said before Tobi could start asking them if they knew how to play any instruments or if they would like to sing karaoke.
"Should Tobi play a song for the giant turtle?" Tobi asked cheerfully.
Kisame smirked while everyone else let out almost imperceptible sighs of irritation.
Unknown to them all, Obito was doing it to mess with them, because they each knew different things.
Itachi 'knew' that he was Madara, but nothing else. The others didn't know that he knew this.
Nagato and Konan also 'knew' that he was Madara and that he was the true leader of Akatsuki, but they thought that their plan was his plan. Itachi and Kisame didn't know that they knew this.
Kisame also 'knew' that he was Madara and he knew the true plan, as well as the fact that he was the one really in charge, but Kisame didn't how much the others knew, nor did the others know how much he knew.
And Zetsu knew everything about everybody. In fact, Zetsu knew more than Obito, but Obito didn't know that.
The Konoha council was once more gathered in the council chambers, waiting for the arrival of the Godaime Hokage so they could begin.
All of them were currently standing, as it was tradition to wait for the Hokage before sitting down. There was nothing particularly special about this council session, just another one of the regularly scheduled ones that were held every month or so to go over village finances. Since most of the shinobi clans had investments of some type, they were all required to attend.
Naruto had no such investments, but Tsunade had insisted that he attend these damn things too, so as not to set 'a bad precedent' as she called it. Naruto didn't give a flying fuck about what kind of precedent he set, but didn't bother arguing since he sent clones to come to these things anyway. He somewhat suspected that Tsunade insisted he attend just to annoy him. Even if he sent a clone, he felt sleepy just from the memories of these council meetings, they were THAT boring.
This time however, he was actually present in person for a change.
The reason for this was because he wanted to see how his 'political statement' would go over.
It had been a couple of months since his return to the village by now, and he had marked several important locations with discrete Hiraishin seals, the council chamber being one of these. You never know when you might need to be able to teleport somewhere after all, even if he couldn't use the technique in combat.
He'd teleported into the room the previous night and left a little present under Danzo's seat. Normally trying to do something like that would be insane, as the room was heavily guarded. The problem was that it was guarded from the outside, so teleporting inside was a simple way of getting around that particular security measure.
Certainly, even with that, he normally would have been caught, as the ANBU guarding the room would have sensed the slight chakra flare of the teleportation, but he had found ways around that as well. That had been much harder to get around, forcing Naruto to create a seal that would teleport him insisde and since he wasn't flexing his own chakra, there would be no flare. That very same seal would also summon him back to his apartment exactly one minute later. That particular bit of Fuinjutsu was needlessly complicated and useless in just about any other situation, but it was the only thing that would allow him to get away with it.
Even that wouldn't have been enough though, since his monstrous chakra presence would be instantly noticed no matter how hard he tried to suppress it, even by non-sensors. To get around that one, he had an inverted Yin-Yang based chakra suppressor seal on stuck to his chest...his entire chest as it happened, since that seal was so complex that it couldn't be compressed to a convenient size. The combination of Yin-Yang natures completely negated all chakra emanation when it was inverted, making it so that not even the most powerful sensor would be able to feel him even if they were standing three feet away from him. Of course it also left him feeling weak as a kitten compared to his usual strength, as he couldn't feel his chakra at all. That level of chakra suppression would actually become fatal within aproximately thirty minutes.
The last danger came from the Inuzuka's nose, but that was easy enough to get around. All he needed to do was walk through the approximate same areas as he had last night to muddle the scent. The one minute that he had been in the room wouldn't be enough to leave any kind of strong scent, especially with the scent killers he had applied before hand.
The solution to how he was going to plaster the custom made explosive tag to Danzo's seat was remarkably simple.
Duct tape.
You could never go wrong with duct tape and this was proven true once more. Seal tags were usually adhered to surfaces with chakra, but since that wasn't an option, duct tape came to the rescue. The seal tag was primed to blow as soon as any unfamiliar chakra presences came into close proximity, such as sitting on the chair that it was on.
He had been sorely tempted to do the same for the other two elders, but that might be pushing his luck just a little too far. His animosity towards them was well known and it wouldn't be good if people got too nosy with their investigations.
Incidentally, the suppressor seal was also taped to his chest. That was going to sting like a bitch when it was time to take it off.
Naruto came out of his thoughts as Tsunade entered the room, flanked by the usual ANBU escort.
As soon as Tsunade sat down, everyone else also pulled out their seats and Naruto was careful not to look in Danzo's direction, instead keeping his gaze studiously on his own chair as he pulled it out.
The explosion that blew Danzo's pelvis and lower abdomen to smithereens and scattered pieces of him all over Koharu and Homura made everyone's heads snap towards it and get into combat stances, well except for the three civilians, since they weren't combatants. Naruto had to smother a laugh when he saw pieces of Danzo's guts all over the other two elder's faces. He'd deliberately made that explosive tag in such a way that the explosion would be focused upwards and slightly to the side, right towards the two elders.
Before anyone could get out so much as a shocked exclamation, Danzo and the various pieces of him became distorted and vanished, a completely uninjured Danzo appearing some distance away from his chair, looking rather frazzled.
Naruto didn't have to hide his shock, since everyone else was equally shocked that the bandaged old man had survived.
"ANBU, seal the room and search for any more explosives!" Tsunade ordered instantly, causing the masked shadows to speed around the room, doing as she said.
Naruto was not worried about the possibility of them finding his Hiraishin seal, since he had already removed it. The tiny seal formula was damn hard to see, but there was no sense in taking chances.
Everyone waited in tense silence for a few minutes as the ANBU did their job.
"The room is clear Hokage-sama" One of them reported.
"The explosive note was taped to Shimura-san's chair, no doubt to avoid detection when they placed it." Another reported.
"Inoichi, can you tell me anything about the chakra signature on the explosive note?"
"It's completely unfamiliar to me Hokage-sama, whoever this mysterious seal master is, I've never encountered them before." Inochi answered. Inoichi was one of the best chakra sensors in Konoha and made it a point to make himself at least vaguely familiar with every Konoha shinobi so that he could identify them, or at least claim to have felt their signature exactly for cases such as this.
Tsunade nodded, not particularly surprised by this. It would be far too convenient if the would be assassin was that sloppy.
Naruto had to smother a giggle.
The reason for his amusement was that the explosive note had been created with Hidan's chakra. Well, his blood had been used to infuse the ink and empower the note, so it was his chakra that was powering the blast. Most Fuinjutsu masters wouldn't know how to do it, but Naruto had learned how to forcibly extract someone elses chakra for this purpose. The process was quite unpleasant(for the victim), but it was a great way to hide your chakra signature, especially when nobody knew you could do it.
Hidan, the Mysterious Seal Master.
The thought of it made him want to laugh again. Hidan was many things(most of which you didn't want to mention in front of small children), but a seal master was not one of them.
"Naruto, what can you tell me about the explosive note itself, it didn't look like the standard one." Tsunade asked the resident seal expert.
"Nothing much. It was obviously a customised directional type, but any half decent Fuinjutsu user could make one." Naruto said with a shrug. He had been tempted to make something more complex and flashy, but then he might as well sign his name on it as well.
Tsunade nodded again, having expected as much. There were in fact quite a few people in the room who could have made that explosive note, herself included.
"Tsume, can you get a scent?" Tsunade asked the Inuzuka clan head.
"Sorry Hokage-sama, but everything is muddled from having so many people in the room and the explosion would have burned off any scent I might have gotten there." Tsume responded with a shrug. She was honestly kind of disappointed that Danzo was still alive.
"My insects can detect nothing except the unknown chakra mentioned by Inoichi-san." Aburame Shibi said without being prompted.
"The perpetrator has left no physical evidence." Hiashi said with the same stoicism as Shibi before he could be asked, his Byakugan deactivating.
Everyone looked towards Shikaku, who had by now gone back to slouching in his chair, looking bored.
"Hey, don't look at me, I got nothing." He said defensively. Sometimes it sucked being the smartest guy around. People always kept looking to you and expecting you to know stuff. Troublesome.
Tsunade frowned slightly at the lack of clues. This was clearly a well executed assassination attempt.
"Now that that's over with, I'd like to know how you survived Danzo." The busty Hokage turned her narrow eyed attention to the old man.
"I used a Kinjutsu passed down in my clan." Danzo explained shortly, knowing that nobody could push him on the subject if he claimed it was a clan secret. He did his best to control his expression so that he didn't snarl in fury at this turn of events.
He had been forced to use Izanagi to escape death, but that was far from the worst of it. Due to having all of the Sharingan in his arm sealed to avoid the massive chakra drain of having ten implanted Sharingan constantly active, he had been forced to use the one in his skull.
In other words, he had been forced to use Shisui's Mangenkyo Sharingan for the very technique that he had never wanted to use it for. The whole point of having all those other eyes in his arm was to be capable of escaping death without sacrificing that extremely valuable eye. Without it, he couldn't use Kotoamatsukami anymore. That particular ability had been instrumental in his bid for power in the village and with the Shodai's cells, he didn't have to wait ten years between uses.
Never before had the heavy seals on his arm been such an obvious weakness. He had tried using weaker and less binding seals on the arm before, but it was no good. Having Sharingan eyes implanted into one's arm was apparently even harsher on the body than having one as a replacement for a natural eye. Even covered up, the eyes greedily sucked up his chakra, hence the need for the heavy duty seals that kept them forcibly shut to prevent that scenario.
There had been assassination attempts on him before, but he had always been able to fend them off without resorting to the Izanagi. This one had been exceptionally well executed though. He had no idea how the assassin had circumvented all of the protections on the council chambers, but they had clearly managed it. Despite Inoichi's words, he didn't believe for a second that the assassin was anything else than a Konoha shinobi.
In fact, Danzo was quite sure that he knew exactly who the perpetrator was. It was simply too convenient for this to happen just over a week after his failed kidnapping attempt on Uzumaki Naruto's woman.
But unfortunately, there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. If he accused the blond of an assassination attempt without evidence, it would just look like he was trying to use the situation to further his own goals. Not to mention that the Jinchuuriki didn't have any obvious motive for attempting to kill him as far as the others were concerned and he couldn't claim otherwise without revealing that he had sent a team to kidnap his woman. That might get Uzumaki in hot water, but it would also do the same to him.
When Fū and his team had not returned, Danzo had known that their mission had failed. The possibility of it being traced back to him was low since his agents didn't carry any identifying marks on them, but it had been there.
Danzo was also noticing the rather distressing trend of his agents turning up dead whenever they went against the Uzumaki. He had been certain that his woman wouldn't be capable of overcoming four of his Root at once, but he had clearly miscalculated. The fact that absolutely no disturbance had been noted by anyone could only mean that they had been taken out very quickly and with very little fuss.
Xanna was obviously not the weakling ripe for kidnapping that he had thought her to be, which meant that any further attempts would likely end the same.
He had intended to save Kotoamatsukami as a last resort. Despite Uzumaki's reputed immunity to Genjutsu, Danzo was certain that the powers of the Mangenkyo Sharingan would be able to bypass that. But it was a moot point now, since the Jinchuuriki had unknowingly robbed him of that tool.
Danzo was still angry when they were all finally allowed to leave the council chamber, but none of it showed on his face. The investigation turned up nothing at all, not a single bit of incriminating evidence that would point at Uzumaki. In fact, there was not a single bit of evidence to be had at all, aside from the unknown chakra signature.
The old warmonger walked up to the blond as he was making his way out of the building.
"I don't know how you did it, but I know that this was your doing." Danzo said quietly and in a polite tone of voice. No good would come of being overly confrontational and having someone see it.
"And I have no idea how you survived, but I wonder how many times you can do it." Naruto replied in the same tone. He knew that there was simply no way that a technique that allows you to escape certain death didn't have serious drawbacks, it was just too convenient. Even if he didn't get Danzo this time, there was always next time.
"I would reconsider that course of action if I were you Uzumaki. You might have gotten away with it this time, but you won't be so lucky again." Danzo warned, but retained the same polite tone. As far as anyone watching was concerned, they were just having a polite discussion.
"You should have reconsidered before you tried to kidnap the woman I love. Why would you do that anyway?" Naruto was pretty sure that he knew the reason already, but there was no harm in asking.
"I did it for the future of Konoha. Sarutobi would not see reason and give you to me for training as a child, so I sought to...persuade you to my point of view." Danzo saw no need to hide his intentions at this point. The cat was quite thoroughly out of the bag.
"I'm going to rip your guts out through your nostrils and make you eat them." Naruto told the old man pleasantly and then walked away. There was no need to continue conversing with the rather infuriating old man. It was taking all the self control he had to keep himself from ripping the man's head off.
Danzo stared at the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki as he walked away, deep in thought.
He had quite clearly underestimated the blond and rather badly at that. It was a feat of no small skill to pull off an assassination attempt in the council chambers and get away with it. If the target had been anyone but him, it would have succeeded for certain.
For years now, he had been of the opinion that the Uzumaki was just like his mother. Brash, headstrong, stubborn and reckless. Despite both of them having vast skill in Fuinjutsu, he had never pegged either one as being capable of any kind of subtlety. Uzumaki's crass behavior and dress style only further supported this assessment.
But he had judged too quickly. Behind the appearance of an overmuscled barbarian and the behavior of a shameless pervert, Uzumaki was hiding depths. Dark and terrible depths.
Instead of trying to come out with the truth and get him punished through official channels for the kidnapping attempt(which would have failed), the blond had resorted to attempted murder right away.
Danzo felt a small bit of respect for the Jinchuuriki manifest itself in his mind. He could certainly respect a man that wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. It didn't really change anything, because he still didn't trust Uzumaki to always act in the best interests of Konoha, but now he could respect the blond while crushing the humanity out of him.
As soon as he figured out how to actually do it that was. All of the people that the Jinchuuriki was close to were either protected or untouchable in some way and Shisui's eye was gone forever. Whether he knew it or not, Uzumaki Naruto had dealt him a crippling blow with that assassination attempt.
At the moment, Danzo could see no way to actually act against him that had any hope of success. He was protected from any open action by the Hokage and all avenues for covert actions were blocked.
"The Sanbi appears to have gone deep into the ocean, we will be unable to retrieve it by normal means." Obito, now acting as Madara said. With only him, Pain, Konan and Zetsu present, there was no real point in keeping up the charade.
"Then what do you propose we do? All of our plans hinge on gathering all nine of the Bijuu." Pain asked.
"We will find a way to deal with the Sanbi at a later time. For now, we will focus on the others." Was the answer from the masked man. Honestly, he didn't really know how he was going to tackle that one, but he would think of something.
"Zetsu, what of Hidan?" Pain asked, filing away Madara's words for later.
"The useless fools in Konoha know nothing about him, but we did sense his chakra in the village being carried around by the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, which is why we think that he is being held captive by him. We can't enter his home though, because it's covered in protective seals that prevent entry."
Everyone mulled that information over, finding it odd that the Uzumaki would secretly keep Hidan prisoner himself instead of handing him over to the T&I department. It was starting to look like the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki had a hidden agenda of his own.
"I will go extract him, he can still be useful." 'Madara' said.
"What for? Just let him rot, it's not like we ever told the fool anything important." Black Zetsu spat derisively.
"There are only six of us left, having Hidan back will make the sealing go faster if nothing else." 'Madara' explained.
"Good afternoon Hidan, how are we doing today?"
The bound and gagged Jashinist glared balefully at his captor. He'd been strapped to this table for the past two weeks, unable to do so much as spew profanity at the motherfucking heretic that was holding him captive and using him as a test subject for experimental Fuinjutsu, along with other things. The only reason he even knew that it was two weeks was because the blond had told him.
"I gave that dusty old scythe of yours to my apprentice, she was very happy with it." Naruto commented idly.
Hidan goggled in outrage upon hearing that, his eyes bulging and face red from anger as he screamed ineffectual profanity into the gag.
Naruto chuckled at the reaction. He'd known it would be funny.
"Well, enough small talk. It is time for more...experiments."
He had already found several things of note about Hidan. The most obvious being that he didn't need to eat or drink to stay alive. Consequently, he didn't need to go to the bathroom either, which was the only reason that the metal slab he was chained to wasn't soiled with various unmentionable substances, for which Naruto was very grateful. Oddly enough, the lack of food and water didn't seem to be causing him to become emanciated.
Naruto could only speculate that he didn't need the energy given by food to survive, leading him to assume that something else must be supplying his body with the energy needed to function. He felt that it was safe to assume that Hidan also didn't age for this very same reason.
This had made him wonder if Hidan didn't need to breathe eaither. Testing on that front had proven that Hidan did not in fact, need to breathe, though prolonged lack of air seemed to make him slightly loopy. That could have just been normal for the Jashinist though, so Naruto marked that one down as 'inconclusive'.
Strangely enough, Hidan didn't really sleep either, nor was he very good at staying unconscious. Naruto wasn't sure if this was related to the Jashinist's phsychotic episodes, or if he was simply naturally crazy.
He had tried to simply ask the Jashinist about these things, but not only was he entirely uncooperative, he was also completely clueless. Apparently Hidan hadn't cared why he was immortal as long as he got to kill people. Peculiarly, he had exhibited a desire to die once or twice, which seemed contradictory to his usual behavior.
"Today, we are going to be discovering whether or not you're capable of regenerating lost body parts." Naruto informed the bound man and raised the Kusanagi into the air.
Before Hidan could do more than scream something into the gag, Naruto swung the sword and lopped his left hand off just above the wrist.
"Oh stop your whining you big baby." The blond admonished the screaming man. "If you want to be immortal and piss off everyone you meet, then you should make sure that you've got the biggest teeth and the sharpest claws. Honestly, I'm pretty shocked that Orochimaru hasn't got you straped down somewhere instead of me, but oh well, his loss is my gain."
Naruto turned his attention back to the amputated limb, noting with some incredulity that the severed hand was still moving and making a passable impersonation of a drunk spider.
"Now that's freaky, there's just no way that you should be able to move that hand when it's not even connected to your central nervous system." The blond commented. "But I suppose it would explain why Shikamaru said that you were able to talk even with your head cut off. That's even stranger by the way. How the hell can you talk if you can't draw in any air from your lungs?"
Peering closer at the wound in an effort to see whether there was any regeneration going on, Naruto was disappointed to note that there was not. Interestingly enough though, there was very little bleeding. You'd think that getting your hand amputated would case you to gush blood worse than Jiraiya if he ever caught sight of Tsunade's naked boobs, But Hidan had only released a few drops of blood.
Rubbing his chin and and staring speculatively at the hand that was still moving around as if it was actually connected to the rest of Hidan, Naruto got an idea. Placing the hand back into position revealed that the Jashinist was capable of reattaching amputated body parts, though it was somewhat slow going.
This was useful to know, but not what Naruto was after, which is why the hand was amputated again. This time however, Naruto placed a paralyzation seal on it and then placed it onto a seal designed to disintegrate objects into their base components. That had been one of his early ideas for a kind of universal problem solver for combat situatons, but sadly, it only worked on things that were perfectly still, not to mention that the seal was too complex to be made small and portable.
To the great glee of the budding mad scientist, he could see the first signs of regeneration on Hidan's stump, though judging by the way he was grimacing, it must have been painful. It was really freaking slow, but it was regeneration. Apparently Hidan could regenerate, but only as long as the original body part was destroyed. Weird.
Naruto decided to give Hidan some chakra to see if the regeneration would speed up. He had noticed quickly that Hidan had rather small amounts of chakra, which made him think that the mad immortal had actually been a civilian or a very fresh Genin before he became immortal. That would certainly explain the distinct lack of shinobi like behavior along with his lack of techniques aside from water walking and surface clinging. He must have picked up those two somewhere along the way.
Strangely, despite his small chakra reserves and underdeveloped chakra network, the Jashinist never actually seemed to run out of chakra, which didn't make any sense at all. It was like he was an Edo Tensei construct without actually being an Edo Tensei construct.
Transfering chakra to Hidan had been another kettle of fish with annoying hoops that needed to be jumped through. Apparently Naruto's chakra tended to hurt people if forced into their coils, go figure. Fortunately, designing a seal that would allow him to do that hadn't been too hard.
Much to the blond's pleasure, it seemed that he had been right about the chakra, as the missing hand began to regenerate rapidly until there was no sign that it had ever been missing.
Naruto sat down, deep in thought, while the sweating and rapidly breathing Hidan recovered from the extraordinarily painful experience.
"Alright, lets review what we've learned so far." Naruto muttered to himself and thought things over.
Hidan did not need any kind of external fuel to keep his body functioning, be it food, water or oxygen, even though he had a heartbeat and a fully functioning digestive system.
He did not need to sleep to stay at least loosely sane, implying that his brain did not need a recharge period.
He could survive even if he was cut to pieces.
He could control his limbs even if they get severed from his body and he did not bleed anywhere near as much as he should.
He had a healing factor, but it only worked if his body was in one piece. He could regenerate lost body parts, but only if they were truly 'lost'. Further testing needed to see if they needed to be physically destroyed or if simply moving them far away was enough to trigger the regeneration.
His chakra supply was effectively infinite, but his ability to actually use it was pathetic, due to poorly developed coils. The suspected cause of this was due to Hidan becoming immortal as a civilian or a fresh Genin.
More chakra sped up his regeneration.
He felt pain, but it seemed to be the most pronounced when his chakra network was damaged and when he needed to regenerate new limbs.
With all of this together, Naruto felt safe in assuming that Hidan's immortality was of supernatural instead of medical origin, which was good, because he sucked at medicine and Tsunade would probably object to inhumane experimentation, even on a loon like Hidan. Now all he needed was to figure out the specifics of how exactly Hidan could stay alive even if he was in pieces.
He also needed to look into the cult of Jashin to see if those nutcases had any useful information. He didn't believe that Jashin was a god for even two seconds, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be something else. Maybe Xanna would know something about that, it was certainly worth asking.
Last on his to do list was an experiment to disintegrate Hidan's head and see what happened. If he somehow survived that, complete body disintegration. If he survived even that, then Naruto wanted to know how he could get himself some of that, provided that there wasn't some kind of nasty price tag attached.
Obito made his way into the basement of Uzumaki Naruto, the Kyuubi jinchuuriki, intent on getting Hidan out of here and returning him to Akatsuki. The blond Jinchuuriki had just recently left the building so he was just going to go in, grab Hidan and get out. No need to be giving out any more hints than neccessary.
The Jashinist was quite stupid and rather expendable, but they had lost too many members sealing the first two Bijuu, so he was still useful and it wasn't as if teleporting there and back with Kamui was hard.
The Eye of the Moon Plan was still well on track, but things were definitely not going exactly as planned. For one thing, they had lost members way too fast and for another, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki was a lot stronger than previous reports had indicated.
The plan had called for a careful manipulation of Nagato after the carefully planned death of Yahiko. After that it was just a great deal of behind the scenes meddling until everything was in place.
Unfortunately, Obito hadn't been that patient and had decided to get some payback on Kirigakure for the death of Rin, by sinking them into a bloody civil war. That had turned out rather profitable, with Kisame becoming one of his most powerful and loyal subordinates. It was most fortunate that Yagura was ridiculously susceptible to Genjutsu, that might have something to do with the fact that his Bijuu was rumoured to be the most slothful creature in existence. It was entirely possible that the oversized turtle had allowed Yagura to be controlled just so that it wouldn't be bothered by his thinking. But now Yagura was dead thanks to that troublesome Terumi woman and her underlings and the Sanbi had gone into the ocean, no doubt so that it could sleep and laze around for the next thousand years or so without being bothered.
The Sanbi could most certainly put up one hell of a fight, but if given the choice between lifting a finger or sleeping for a hundred years, it woud choose to sleep for a hundred years. But apparently, being freed from it's previous Jinchuuriki, sealed into Rin and then Rin dying almost immediately after, which forced it to expend effort to reform itself, had been a strain even on that lazy creature's patience. Orochimaru trying whatever the hell he had tried had probably been the last straw that had convinced the giant turtle to relocate deep into the ocean where nobody aside from the occasional fish would bother it. This was a very big problem that Obito wasn't sure how to solve quite yet.
Maybe he should have left Kirigakure alone, that way the Sanbi would still have been sealed inside Yagura?
Black Zetsu was still pissed off at him for that one and had been rude and insulting ever since. Well...more rude and insulting than he'd been before anyway, since the bearer of Madara's will was of the opinion that everyone aside from Madara himself was a worthless piece of crap.
The biggest hurdle with the Eye of the Moon Plan had been the Kyuubi. Namely, finding the most powerful of the Bijuu was not really something that was easy, despite it being an gigantic nine tailed fox.
The other eight had been sighted many times throughout history, with these sightings often resulting in massive destruction. The Bijuu tended to hang around one of their preffered areas and responded violently to any human intrusions. That had been brought to an end for the most part when shinobi had learned how to seal them. Most had been restrained since before the rise of the hidden villages and then shuffled around, the Hachibi being the notable exception, as it's power was great enough that it had required a more powerful seal and the Kohaku no Johei to seal it.
Unlike it's considerably less powerful brethren, the Kyuubi had a habit of vanishing for decades or even centuries, with only sporadic sightings. This had puzzled people for a long time, making them wonder how a gigantic nine tailed fox could just vanish. The real Uchiha Madara had been the only person to encounter it and survive in centuries and he would not say anything specific about the encounter.
He did warn Obito that the Kyuubi wasn't like the other Bijuu however. It had displayed intelligence during Madara's brief encounter with it, which was a worrying prospect.
If Madara was to be believed and the Kyuubi was truly intelligent, then it would figure that the enormous demon would know how to hide itself better.
Fortunately, the tablet owned by the Uchiha, which Madara had been able to read in it's entirety thanks to the Rinnegan, had presented a solution. The Sage of Six Paths had charged the Kyuubi with watching over his descendants, the Uchiha and the Senju, which presented an opportunity to predict it's movements.
With this in mind, Obito had set out to manipulate the Uchiha into starting a civil war, banking on the fact that this would rouse the Kyuubi into appearing. Surprisingly, he had barely needed to do anything, as the Uchiha had already been going in that direction thanks to being isolated and marginalized by the village, he had just sped things up. Fugaku, arrogant and prideful as he was, had only needed a demonstration of Kamui and his control of Kirigakure before he was convinced that a coup was the way to go. Fugaku had wanted to rule Konoha, either as Hokage or as the man that held the Hokage in his thrall through the use of his Sharingan. Blinded by his lust for power as he had been, Fugaku hadn't realised that he was being played.
The Kyuubi had appeared quite a bit sooner than expected, but everything had gone as planned. The Yondaime Hokage, being a Fuinjutsu master of incredible ability, who had learned some of his craft from his equally skilled wife, had been able to devise a seal powerful enough to hold the Kyuubi. Even though he had known it would take a powerful seal to hold the great demon, Obito had still been quite stunned to see Minato-sensei summoning the death god of all things to power the seal. He just knew that it was going to take forever to extract the Kyuubi from that seal.
Years later, the Uchiha had just about been prepared to enact their coup, only to be betrayed by Itachi and himself. Fugaku had seen this and realised just how badly he had been manipulated, which is why he hadn't put up any kind of fight when his own son killed him. By then he had known that he had doomed the Uchiha and that there was no use in fighting anymore.
Obito had gotten a convenient stockpile of replacement Sharingan eyes though, which was a nice side bonus.
But enough wool gathering over the past and plans that didn't go quite according to plan, there was an idiotic immortal berserker to extract.
As soon as he used his Kamui to talk through the heavy metal door in the basement, Obito knew that he was in the right place, mostly because he could see the man that he'd come here for straped down to a metal table, gagged and bound with chains.
Hidan saw the Akatsuki cloak and the orange spiral mask and sighed in relief at the fact that he was being rescued. Getting used as a lab experiment for whatever the hell that insane blond was trying to achieve was not the way he wanted to spend his immortality. This experience had also highlighted just how badly he needed to get his skills up to snuff so that he didn't get captured like this again. The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki definitely had a point about Orochimaru doing the same thing and Hidan couldn't muster enough arrogance to claim that the snake Sannin couldn't do it, not after getting put into this situation.
Obito phased into solidity was just about to grab Hidan when a multitude of complex seals flared into existence on the walls. Immediately, Obito felt his chakra being completely cut off as if it was gone. His Sharingan deactivated forcibly and became as powerful as any other eye, meaning not powerful at all.
Perhaps worse still, his replacement right arm hung limply, refusing to obey his commands. Whatever these seals did to suppress chakra, they did it to such an extent that even the chakra required for survival was cut off. The replacement arm grown from Hashirama's cells wasn't like a regular human arm, it's composition was much different, allowing superhuman strength, but it was utterly reliant on chakra to stay functional.
Obito felt a surge of panic the likes of which he hadn't felt since he was a child and tried to rush out of the room, desperate to regain use of his chakra. Any thought of saving Hidan was gone in the face of this unexpected development.
He slammed into a barrier that flared into visibility for a brief moment before becoming invisible again. Taking a calming breath to regain his composture, Obito pressed his left hand against the barrier, testing it for weaknesses. He could feel just the barest flicker of chakra in his palm as he pushed against the barrier, which told him that the null zone of chakra ended a very tiny distance in front of the barrier. If he could just push his eye close enough to the barrier, then maybe he could activate his Sharingan and use Kamui to get out of the room.
Hidan watched in confusion as Tobi took his mask off and pushed his face against the chakra barrier as if his life depended on it. He had just now felt his chakra being completely shut off, leaving him feeling strangely exhausted and he wondered if that had anything to do with Tobi's weird behavior. Either way, he had guessed by now that his fellow Akatsuki member had triggered some kind of Fuinjutsu trap and that the mad scientist of a Jinchuuriki was more likely to have two test subjects instead of them escaping.
Obito kept trying to push his right eye against the barrier, but his skull was unfortunately in the way. He jerked back as the heavy metal door was opened from the outside, revealing the very tall Kyuubi Jinchuuriki.
"Hey there Tobi, I've been wondering if you were ever going to show up." Naruto greeted pleasantly, taking in the badly scarred right side of Tobi's face. Of more interest was the permamently active Sharingan eye in his left eye socket, indicating that it was a transplant. Thanks to all chakra in the room being utterly suppressed, the eye was in a dead state, probably not even granting vision.
He had been alerted to the activation of the many trap seals in his basement and immediately made his way back, wanting to get a look at his latest captive.
"What have you done to my chakra?" Obito demanded, foregoing any attempt at acting like 'Tobi'.
"Well, I figured that you might show up after the way you snatched Deidara, so I prepared some surprises for you just in case." Naruto explained, not at all surprised to find that the idiot act had been just that, an act. " The inner seal circle that you're standing in is a Yin-Yang based chakra suppression array. The middle seal circle is a high powered chakra barrier so that you can't just walk out on me and the entire basement is equiped with seals that prevent space-time manipulation. A bit overkill perhaps, but I didn't want to take any chances."
Obito had been listening to the list of measures put into place to trap unwary intruders with a mounting sense of horror. Akatsuki had been aware that the Uzumaki was good with seals, but this was on a level that they had never imagined. Minato-sensei had been the foremost authority on Fuinjutsu when he had been alive, but he wouldn't have been capable of this. Mastery of space-time Fuinjutsu on this level was unheard of and meddling with Yin-Yang manipulation was something that Obito had thought only Madara was capable of.
"It was so nice of you to blunder recklessly into the strongold of a seal master by the way, no doubt you would have been quite annoying to deal with if I had to chase you down." The blond couldn't resist adding mockingly.
Obito couldn't think of anything to say back, shocked beyond words that he was in this situation. His Sharingan had always been able to get him out of anything, but that was gone now, along with all of the other powers he had amassed in his life.
"Now, I'm going to give you a chance to tell me why Akatsuki is trying to gather all nine Bijuu for. Who knows, if I agree with your plan I might even help you." Naruto said with a shrug. It was a load of bullshit of course and he could make a fair guess that it was somehow connected to the Shinju, but getting more details was always good. Hidan had been entirely useless as a source of information.
Obito narrowed his eyes in consideration. The Uzumaki didn't seem the type to sacrifice his life for someone elses dream, but it wasn't like he had anything to lose. He could practically feel his body shutting down from being in this null chakra zone, his replacement arm was already starting to feel as it if was going to fall off. Now it was just a matter of deciding which version of the plan to tell the blond had the greatest chance of getting his cooperation.
Obito knew that Naruto's life in Konoha hadn't been easy, so he might be interested in revenge against the village. Deeming that the same plan that had been told to Konan and Nagato was more likely to be successful, he told him that version.
Naruto listened impassively as Obito revealed the idea of using the power of all nine Bijuu to create some kind of super technique that would devastate entire nations if they tried to start a war. Honestly, that plan had a truly absurd amount of holes in it.
"I see, so you have no intention of ressurecting the Juubi and causing the end of the world or something like it?" Naruto asked rhetorically, making an educated guess that Tobi, or whatever his name was, would be aware of what exactly recombining all nine Bijuu would cause.
Obito couldn't help staring stupidly at the blond. It shouldn't be possible for him to know about the Juubi.
"In case you're wondering, the nine tailed furball gets talkative when it's pissed off." Naruto said, intentionally giving the impression that he was on poor terms with the Bijuu that was supposed to be sealed inside him. You never knew when you'd need something like that for shock value.
Ah well, that would explain it. It would appear that even sealed, the Kyuubi was being a problematic obstacle to the Moon's Eye Plan.
"Now if you would be so kind as to tell me the REAL plan." Naruto prodded.
Having nothing to lose, Obito relented in a final hope that the Uzumaki would see the world for the hell it was and go along with his and Madara's plan."Fine, I intended to use Akatsuki to remake the Juubi and then become it's Jinchuuriki. With the power this would grant me, I would project my Sharingan onto the moon and use the Infinite Tsukuyomi to cast the world into an eternal illusion, thereby creating a perfect world where there were no wars and nobody had to suffer."
Naruto raised an eyebrow at the plan. It was certainly ambitions, but it sounded like something that only a man that felt like he had nothing to live for would try to do. A niggling detail about that plan was that only an Uchiha could use the Tsukuyomi as far as he knew. Which could only mean that 'Tobi' was an Uchiha. Not all that important really, aside from the fact that Itachi was supposed to be the last Uchiha alive. Aside from that he didn't really believe that anyone short of a ridiculously powerful man with the Rinnegan could survive having the Juubi sealed into them.
"And you just came up with this plan out of the blue one day, after realising that life was hard?" The blond asked sarcastically.
Obito glared angrily, but ineffectually at the tall Uzumaki, refusing to say another word. It seemed fairly obvious that the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki had only said that he might go along with the plan to learn what the plan actually was.
"Well, I suppose you won't be telling me anymore, so I'm going to just kill you, but first I've got something that you really need to see." Naruto continued with a shrug and made a beckoning gesture behind him.
Obito was once again stunned into speechlessness as a dusky skinned redhead with nine tails walked through the door. It didn't exactly require him to be a genius to connect the dots and figure out that this woman was the Kyuubi. It would certainly explain why she was sighted so rarely if she could take human form.
"Xanna, I would like to introduce the idiot who wanted to use you in his crazy plan to enslave the world." Naruto said, gesturing towards the still stunned Obito.
"So I heard." The demoness said coldly. She would enjoy watching this worm that thought to use her die.
"But I saw you get sealed...I made sure that you were sealed..." Obito said weakly, being looser with information than he would be usually as he saw all of his plans crumbling to pieces right in front of him. Suddenly it made terrible sense as to why exactly the Kyuubi was so elusive. Nobody had even dreamed that a Bijuu could change it's form.
"That was your doing was it? I had always wondered how the Uchiha clan became corrupt so quickly." The redhead said in angry realisation. It infuriated her to know that someone had manipulated her into approaching Konoha just so that Naruto's father would seal her. The fact that it had all turned out to her benefit in the end was the only reason that she didn't obliterate the worm right away. That, and the fact that she couldn't actually go into the null chakra zone that Naruto had set up. A remarkably dangerous piece of Fuinjutsu that was, it wouldn't harm her, but she couldn't remain solid in there either.
"I guess even old man Madara didn't know as much as he thought he did." Obito said with a resigned chuckle.
"Rin...I'm sorry, I failed. This world will stay hell, and I won't be able to bring you back." He said to himself, not caring how much he was letting them know anymore. His mind had been desperately racing to find a way to escape, but he could come up with nothing with his chakra blocked off so completely. Even if the Uzumaki had been careless enough to enter into the null chakra zone himself, Obito doubted that he would have been able to overcome him with nothing but the strength of his muscles, especially with only one arm. And even if he had managed that, the barrier would most likely still be there and keep him imprisoned here until he died due to the absolute chakra suppression.
Both Naruto and Xanna quirked an eyebrow when the scarred man's right arm flopped to the ground with a rather wet sounding splat. That certainly wasn't normal behavior for an arm, never mind the fact that it was a very pale grey-green color.
Aside from the arm that appeared to be highly chakra dependant and probably not his original arm, They were also puzzling over the names that the soon to be dead man had given.
Madara of course was easily recognisable and they both came to the conclusion the legendary Uchiha must have something to do with this Moon's Eye Plan. It had his megalomaniacal finger prints all over it and the only reason that Xanna hadn't suspected it before now was because he was supposed to have been dead. Clearly he had survived his battle with his rival Hashirama and lived for quite a long time afterwards, if he wasn't still alive somehow.
Rin however, was a name that only Naruto recognised, recalling the time when Kakashi had told him and Sakura the tale of how his teammate Uchiha Obito had died to protect him while they were trying to save their other teammate, Nohara Rin. Kakashi had told them the story after Naruto had killed Sasuke, probably because he wanted them to know that he could relate to the death of a teammate, even if the situation had been different.
"So, you survived that mission and Madara took you as a student...Obito." Naruto said, feeling fairly confident that he was right. The scars on his face and the loss of his arm could easily have been caused by a boulder, he had spoken of Rin with affection and Naruto had suspected him of being an Uchiha ever since his mention of using Tsukuyomi.
Obito simply nodded, starting lose the feeling in his body due to lack of chakra. "I was supposed to finish what he started and eventually revive him, but I guess both of us will remain nothing more than memories."
"Your plan was entirely too convoluted to work. You never know when someone else is going to turn up with plans of his own and screw everything up for you." Naruto said sagely, keeping a close eye on both Obito and the still bound Hidan. He had been wondering what it looked like if someone died by having their body starved of chakra. He was even more curious about how Hidan would be affected.
"Why did you unseal the Kyuubi anyway?" Obito asked, curious about the reason for all of his plans failing.
"Because I love her." Naruto said simply, holding one of Xanna's hands with his own to calm her down. He knew that she was still angry about being considered nothing more than a power source in this ridiculous plan to create an illusionary world.
Obito nodded in understanding, not bothering to wonder just how the hell that had happened. "I see. The Eye of the Moon plan was born out of hatred for the world, so it is only fitting that something like that would be what puts an end to it."
After saying that, Obito collapsed to the ground, no longer able to feel his body, his vision already going dark.
I may have failed to create a perfect world, but maybe I can see Rin at least one more time. He thought to himself hopefully as his life slipped away.
Naruto stared at the dead body of Uchiha Obito, wondering what he should do now. Xanna had already gone back upstairs, no doubt feeling vindicated that the man who had caused her to be sealed was dead.
Naruto himself found himself feeling nothing but pity for him. He could certainly empathise with Obito's pain over losing the girl he loved, but honestly felt that he had done the man a favor by killing him. An illusion of her would never be able to measure up to the real thing, at least now he could join her in death.
He wasn't going to tell anyone that Obito had been alive all this time. There was no point in causing needless grief for Kakashi and anyone else who might have been close to Obito by telling them that the man had gone mad and attempted to put the whole world into an eternal illusion.
That plan still sounded utterly insane no matter how many times he thought about it. Madara must have been a really sore loser to have come up with that one, or maybe Uchiha were genetically predisposed to being sore losers, since he could remember Sasuke having some rather petty moments of his own. Quite frankly, trying to enslave the world because life didn't go the way you wanted it to was akin to burning down a whole forest because you stubbed your toe on an errant tree root.
Obito's Sharingan, which had changed into it's Mangenkyo form as soon as the chakra suppression was dropped, he would likely destroy. The damn thing was dangerous as hell and he had no particular use for it. Trying to implant it into his own skull was both unfeasible and impractical, despite the rather awesome powers it granted. It would be pretty hard to explain why he suddenly had a Mangenkyo Sharingan and particularly why it looked exactly like Kakashi's.
Kakashi had informed him and Sakura that he had a Mangenkyo and that he could use it to create a dimensional whirlpool, which meant that Obito's must have similar powers, no doubt what had allowed him to become intangible.
That strange arm however, he intended to keep. It was morbid as fuck, but he really wanted to know what the deal with that arm was and since he couldn't exactly ask Tsunade to examine it, he'd need to do some trial an error experimenting...again.
Naruto was starting to note some rather distubing parallels between himself and Orochimaru, but justified it to himself by asserting that it was fine as long as he didn't start kidnapping children and placing strange hickeys on them.