Chapter 3

To rape is an act of violence to the body and soul of the victim, to their spirit, forcing them to endure the worst form of abuse in the process loose all sense of self worth and esteem. It is an act of power, of cold indifferent monsters who prey on innocent women, thus is a form of evil.

sweat dripped from my forehead as I pondered on what to do , I was nervous , terrified and completely out sorts as he made his way to where I was standing I grabbed anything I could use to defend myself from this pervert I wouldn't let him get his way atleast not without a fight

But Mr Benson was huge man heavy built man for this reason besides my best efforts he over powered and pined me to the ground i was hurting and suffocating under wieght of his hands Mr Benson has for longest time tried to get with me he would sexually harass me but because I had no choice I endured all the torment cause I need put food on the table but now he had gone too far I will not let him rape me even if last thing I do in this life

"Come on baby it wont hurt, just let me have yu and you can have job back." He said with lustful eyes blocking my path to the door

"Never I say crying and panicking as tried to fight my a way out of this predicament ."

"Its just sex holly , he replies , it wont change you are ." Mr. Benson said laughting moyonically was enjoying the fact had me corned with no way to go that bloody asshole

"I rather fight with my dying breath than ever lay with you , so do your worst ." I replied

"Ok fine I didnt want to do this Holly but yu have forced my hand." he said pulled out a pocket knife and thats when scuffle began as I desperatly tried to get him to drop the red handle pocket knife in his left hand , The struggle began as me and mr Benson fought for the knife cause who ever held knife had the power and there was no way in hell that would let it be mr Benson a stupid demented scopath who used women but he wasnt giong to use me

We continuted to struggle knife as banged heads with my attacker as he continued to fight to get his way Mr. Benson was really a pervert. Now on top of me he started to reap off my clothes with knife hand threating my existence , until he accidentally dropped it using all my strength I try to get him off me .

We both struggled for a knife that was out of reach we hit and shove each other as both fighted for dominance I was winning until my body betrayed me . By weaking once weakened the fucking asshole over powered me held the pocket knife to my neck left with no choice I surrendered it was either that or die so Brody bloody bastard got his way with me

her like the animal he was he over powered Holly she could feel herself dying   as man thrusted into her,  Holly    cried in pain as the pervert  Got  his way    and added more pressure  and weight   into her , like carclus monster  he drove is shaft   deeper ignoring Holly's cries of pain   She was literally  dying of pain  as drove his weight deeper  into her.

Tears continued to flow eyes as She protested his actions but he was inhuman  He only so her as an  object for his pleasure  crushing Holly with his weight , he continued to drive his shaft  repeatedly  into Holly violating her insides over and over  like the beast  he was, the pain was feeling  could not be put  in words, but all could I would say   it was as if someone  put chilli powder in my insides.

   I was burning  from my inside due to friction caused by his weight  continued circling its way into my core. With me crying and begging him to stop his act of cruelty , all remember was being  torn from the inside out and the blood I lost  as the carclus  man raptured into  flesh  causing me to bleed uncontrollably  even after this   the man kept violating me repeatedly .

Deeper and deeper he went ignoring my pains for cries of mercy . The pain was like you having a wound and person kept cutting it repeatedly  even if you bled death   He wouldn't care  , his only desire was to satisfy  his disgusting needs  weight kept cutting me into like sharp blade destroying my insides , blood oozed out  me as I protested  but it didn't shake wedging his-bulging weight   Into me Ferociously like monster  bleeding  in excruciating pain  ,

I pleaded  with him to exercise some humanity but didn't  even flinch he just  kept mercilessly digging into my flesh  like  digger scraping and digging into my vaginal flesh until  there was nothing me for me to salvage   , Tears run down my chick as  he continued his an ending assault pounding  , driving himself  further into me  inflamed swollen vagina    l just want kill him   , but he was way too strong for me to fight off I just resigned myself to let things  happen there was nothing I could have done.

Now fully sastifyed he left me as empty hole of nothingness and numbness . As body  lay there  lifeless on coldness of bare tiled office floor as blood to continued to ooze out of  me , he had destroyed me mercilessly and could bearly walk he had stolen everything  from me my purity ,  my innocence,   my pride  as woman I was  now I'm complete  as woman I was  a complete  shell of who I was  he had destroyed  my life,  it was all  this ass hole fault a pervert I once called my boss but he was going to pay for this even if if it's the last thing I do in my life I swear it