Chapter 14

I was going to escape or die trying cause wasn't going let any one use me for thier object of pleasure again but in order to archive this l attended to my daily clients as usual so as not arouse any suspicion though I was sure I would hate every minute of it but this was the only out of my delima My line of thought is interrupted when the door burst open to reveal Bobby

"Today my little hottie you will be dancing then after that you will attend to your clients , get cleaned up cause the today there is a full house coming to see the debut of the Red Diamond." Bobby said with smirk

"Can't you see I'm laying on bed still recovering for last light horrible ordeal , I don't want perform all still sore Bobby have compassion ."

I don't care if you're legs fall off while you dance Holly you will dance or I will bring your sister's corpse to you your choice ."Bobby said giving me matter fact look

"Please don't hurt her , I will debut as the Red Diamond I will dance through the pain just don't hurt my sister, Bobby I beg you."I pleaded

Now that's good girl put on this and come down stairs there are waiting for you ."

"As you wish Bobby." I say , I hated feeling helpless cause wether I liked or not they had my sister and the only way out was to find out we're these bastards had my sister held then I could escape with her so I had no choice but to accept to be the new Red Diamond

The Red Diamond was an exotic dancer and the most expensive prostitute at the brothel she was crown jewel of the brothel becoming her would only triple my suffering tenfold but I had no choice since I didn't know where Amanda was and if I stepped out of line they would kill her in a heartbeat and probably drain her body of blood as I watched so I couldn't risk her life

Amanda was my world we had always been there for each other since childhood, even when I had cut ties with my family she was only one who cared to enough to check on me but as her big sister it was my job to protect her but funny thing was she was the one who always watched cared for me .

But come or hell or high water I was going to save my sister even if it was the last thing I do , My sister Amanda was the jolliest of the Von Heist sisters her qwerky laughter would fill the room making us smile not mention her silly jokes that always got yu laughing no matter how angry or cold you were she was pretty innocent and naive she was the light in my life always filled my life with blessings

But I on the other hand have only brought pain and darkness into her life and only to save was becoming the red diamond and for my sister I would do anything even face the devil himself if it meant I will rescue Amanda wiping tears I walked down to stairs to underground strip club where I was to dance as the Red diamond for first time

Taking to the stage still in pain and still very sore her body was aching but she had no choice but to be strong cause she was the only hope her sister had taking in her deep breath she took off the black robe to reveal every provocative two piece lingerie that left very little to the imagination the crowd of horny men to go wild with lust

Taking to the pole she started dancing through the pain all the while showing her level of flexibility that got the men drooling and sooning over her perfect body holly hated the looks he got and how the disgusting me would touch her but she had to remember it wasn't for her but her sister so had bear the insults and bad touches from horny disgusting men performance continued dark into the late night

By time holy was done she couldn't even feel her legs she was but the crowd of men were applauding her many horny men were dying to spend a night with her and paid handsomely for the turn with no choice In the matter Holly had no choice , laying like martyr as each of men got their way with her she wanted to die the pain was unbearable but she remained strong and steadfast through the horrific ordeal cause it was all for her sister

One by one they took their turn until she passed out from the pain didn't stop men from enjoying themselves they continued their assault until there fully sastified holly lay there completely lifeless and un moving and every day since her debut as the Red Diamond the days that followed were the worst of her life she had slept with countless men and couldn't feel her legs anymore in tears she wanted to end her life grabbing a knife she had been hiding under her bed she was about to slit her wrists open

But Becky showed up in time to stop her

"What doing Holly I know where forced into this and they drug us every day but if you kill yourself , you will be giving up and who will save your sister then she will die is that what you want."Becky said grabbing the knife from my hands

"No ." I shouted

"then you have to be strong and remain the red diamond until we find our sister and my brother ok then we can escape ok."

"Ok." I replied

Becky was one of trafficked girls just like me and like me they had her brother and the creason cartel were using him to blackmail her keeping this in mind she reminded me of what was important and refocusing me for task at hand and that was finding my sister no matter what

Three weeks later I had become customed to my life as the new red diamond my shows had been become famous millions of men always came to watch me perform today I was going to keep working hard till find my sister Taking to the stage I begin dancing and my performance continued late into the night

My dance grabbed the attention of many wealthy men who started splashing money on me each craving a lap dance of their own as they screamed my name for all to hear. Suddenly an undeniable incredible good looking unidentifiable man in power suit walked in and the club went silent

He continued took a seat at the bar and all the workers quickly rushed to his side to fetch anything he needed other remained frozen with fear others stood in amazement non of them thought they would ever see him in person it had been years since he last visited the brothel him bieng here meant one of two things either someone was going to die or get crucified and non we're good signs

Carlos quickly rushed to his side giving him the updates of the business with hands shaking with fear

"Don't worry Carlos, Iam not here for you, Iam here for the red diamond, the boss saw her dance and he wants get to know her from to today she will be the boss's new girl. if anyone other than the boss touches her you will die , do understand Carlos ."

"Yes sir."

"Now prepare her, the boss will be coming shortly."

"As you wish."

Holly was disgusted with how perverse these men really were she had just debuted as the new Red Diamond and now a sicko already thinks he has claim of her