Chapter 34

Until they said something that drained the color For skin the man with smooth moves turned out to be the stranger from earlier who was staring at me my veins popes out , the color, drained from my skin , I couldn't bear what I had just heard and seen with my own eyes it was my worst nightmare come true holding a gun to my back he forced me to keep smiling he knew I was red Diamond Forcing me to do whatever he wanted so as not kill me or Riley

But I would never for-told what came next he was the devil incarnated standing in front of me is eyes darker and menacing as ever, I wanted run but I surrendered to my fate, My eyes widened in fear cause any wrong move would result into Riley's death we I knew my attacker wouldn't hesitate to shoot him and I wouldn't bare it left with no choice . I had lost to much already my best friend my sister I couldn't bear lo lose any one else cause I would lose my mind if I had burry someone else I love. So against my better judgment I flowed masked man orders we danced casually off the dance floor so as not arise any suspicion.

I greeting everyone with a fake smile trying hide fact that gun was launched in my back and would blow hole into my abdomen at any moment killing me instantly knowing this although trembling out my mind I managed to maintain my composure until made it to empty room and my jaw dropped open wiping my eyes with my hands I tried to make sense of what was happening in front of me it's terrible hurtful thing about it is I had no choice i was at this psycho mercy

Holding Gun to my neck he tightened the grip around my neck cutting my oxygen I was dying" if you will do as I say without any objection , due understand." My attacker commands

Yes I will just don't hurt me ." Previously I wouldn't mind dying actually the person who had done me a favor ending my misery but now I was in love in a new relationship with Riley and it was blossoming it was everything I wanted my dream relationship to be and I wasn't prepared to loose it

"What was the last thing you did." The stranger asked still holding the gun to my head

Terrified I answer truthfully"I got dressed and came here." I said shaking

"No your fool, as the red diamond." The stranger asked more furious than ever

."I performed a striptease in the club before my dad found me," I say hoping the truth saves me

."Eeeh, wrong again seems you have death wish ." The stranger said cocking the gun

I was confused cause that was truth and I feared for my life, so try to defend my answer by saying "honestly that's the last thing I did ."

" I mean at the warehouse you idiot and this is the last chance of get this wrong , I will blow Brian's out." The stranger said as his patience ran out

"I tried saving the girls from that bloody warehouse There were being forced to stay at." I said hoping the answer saves my life

"Costing me my job , it ruined my life now prepare to die you hore ." The stranger said as he was seconds from firing the gun

"Turn around and bend over I need to see your back ." The stranger ordered

I turn around and waited to be blown into pecies but nothing happened, what my attacker does next confuses me. He runs towards me and hugs me worsening my fear taking of his mask My eyes widened in shock fear and delight I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me hugging and embracing me with so much love and devotion my attacker was not a he at all he was a she

It was someone I thought I would never see again I break down into tears hugging immensely with all lover I could master my attacker was Jessica my best friend she was a live death hadn't robbed her of me she was alive and well I couldn't help but keep crying over this miracle I had moaned her for so long but here was in living colors , it was my best friend and soul sister she was alive and well I kept thinking I was dreaming I close my eyes to remove fiction from reality but When I opened them she was still here and hugged her

"How are a live my friend I thought I lost you ." I say in amazement

"Am live , my friend by Gods grace, remember the day I got shot." Jessica

"Yes it was the worst moment of life, cause I had lost you."I replied in tears still hugging her

"Well that day , I was shot in back and rolled off a ditch and fell into the lake , I was sure I would die I was bleeding, I knew i had moments left. so I accepted my fate, but luckily a fishing village lived near by and one of fishermen spotted me as lay face down in water and turned me over when he realized I was still breathing, he took me back to his home and nursed me back to health, my friend it was horrible ordeal, but am alive now and am sorry if I scared you I just wanted to make sure it was you . that's why asked you to bend over so can see matching butter fly tattoo we got at I6 I had first make sure it was you."

"It's me darling, how I missed you my friend, I cried for months I couldn't forgive myself cause it was my idea to escape , but you got hit and cross fire I was devastated ." I replied hugging her not wanting to let go

"My friend am sorry to meet you like this , but the cartel found my hideout and you are the only one I can turn to , I also came to warn you , the cartel won't stop at nothing till the boss has you." Jessica says terrified

"My friend don't worry let me call my glam team To freshen you app then you come and stay me and Riley's house."

Soon the glam team showed up and worked its magic on Jessica by time she was done she looked immaculate and we could return to ballroom. I introduced her to Riley and his friends and we danced all night I was overjoyed everything in life was going perfectly after going wrong for so long

As the night was coming to end the ball hosts invited us out in the court yard were enjoyed a fireworks display ending a successful night. I had met of diplomats royals and billionaires we closed the night with a kiss under night sky as we watched the beautiful glimmer glow of the fireworks display