Chapter 44( a walk in Riley’s past)

Riley Willam Clemons became the son of Duke of Chesting . Duke Alexander William of chesting his mother Lauren Alexander William , the duchess of Chesting always tended to his needs . Chesting was strong prosperous kingdom rich with oil and gas gold and lime stone with a population over 44millon people . made it a quiet but proud kingdom

Riley was born a happy lad playing in the castle and always up to mischief his guards and handlers , always had hard time keeping for up with him. Since he would always be monkeying around with his best friend , Nigel . Nigel was the daughter of king George and Queen Marline of Xuenberg

As time went on Riley grew into incredible good looking that all the maidens dreamed of bieng his bride but to him marriage was wastage of time that took away a man's freedom and peace , Riley had one passion that was to go to college and become a bussiness man so he could create his own legacy and create developments in Chesting

That would help the locals but his father had other plans for him but this didn't deter him from trying

Cause he knew that his project would employ the locals and with Nigel his side he knew he would succeed so Went ahead to tel his father about his intentions

Father, I wish to speak to you ." Riley said walking into the throne room

"While we're in the castle , you will address by my title, do you understand ." Duke Alexander corrected

"Yes your Highness."

"So what brings you here son , did you finally find yourself a bride or have you decided to marry Nigel cause she has blossomed into a beautiful

Young lady." Duke Alexander replied with excitement

"No you Grace, I have to come ask you to leave to Persue my goals, I want to leave the castle." Riley explains

"Are you mad Riley, I'm grooming you to be the next Duke of Chesting , you don't need to go to college All you need is a wife and your set. " Duke Alexander spat out venomously

"Your highness, Iam not getting any younger and marriage isn't for me , plus you know that have different ideas when it comes to ruling. for example you believe that everyone that is a commoner is not worth our time , but I believe everyone is equal." Riley said speaking his mind against his father

"That may be so but I believe as my son you must put the needs of the crown beyond your own." Duke Alexander said standing his ground

"But your Grace." Riley said as he tried to reason with his father

"But nothing, you must do as I have instructed you are of age now , it's time take on tuff decisions plus your must know that our kingdom is under attack , your people like yo call them , don't have nothing to drink or eat . The only way to save this Kingdom is through a marriage with neighboring kingdom it, You leave in your carriage with Bernard first thing in the morning ."

"Yes my lord ."Riley hated the idea of marriage but for his people he would do absolutely anything to keep them safe so against his better judgment he accepted to go with Bernard before returning to his chambers for an overnight sleep since he would be leaving for the kingdom the next morning

Morning breaks and Riley jolted out of sleep by Bernard voice "Morning my lord , the footman already prepared your carriage ,we are going to pick her this morning ." Bernard Stanley's father said

No Bernard I'm not interested in this marriage At all , girls in this kingdom are just vile plus I have goals of my own I want to peruse and non of them involve marriage ." Riley protested

"I know my lord but it it's high importance and necessary for you to get married as soon as possible , we are grooming you to be the next duke and you can't ascend without a bride ."Bernard explained

"I am not interested women are disgusting plus I'm going off to college very soon, I want to expand my horizons , find out what is beyond the castle calls so I can care for my people ."Riley retorted

"I understand that your Grace but know the duke your father will have my head , just meet this girl." Bernard insisted

"You mean I'm the Duke of Chessiks but can't decide on my life?" Riley spoke with matter of fact look his face as he awaited clarification

" Exactly my lord your father is the reigning Duke and if you refuse to , you may be removed. I as the next in line for the throne to be replaced by Uncle , but that would be after your father has killed me your highness for failing him ." Bernard replied bitting his nails fear

"So I can never decide on my life , cause I'm royalty ? " A furious Riley questions

"No your highness, it's your right but as a royal you have duty to the crown , plus your father will also definitely behead me if you don't go ." Bernard said shaking

"Are that scared of the Duke , laughs you can't be serious. Riley said between laughs

"Yes your Grace, I won't deny it , I fear for my life your father will literally kill me ." A shaking Bernard retorted

"Fine I will meet this girl but not right now , I have parliament meeting to attend, the people in the villages have no food and water since the well over run by bandets as their future Duke it's my responsibility to make sure very citizens are fine and comfortable ." Riley replied

"Of course your Grace Everything will be done at your convenience but I only request that we leave early cause the journey is long." Bernard responded

."Alright it's fine , I will meet this girl ." Riley reluctantly agrees

"Splendid your majesty , we will fetch the future duchess of chesiks later once you have concluded with the meeting ." Bernard said

"Very well."

With that said Riley went ahead to attend the meeting In parliament on arrival he found thousands of his people waiting for him in total disarray and confusion taking his seat at the throne he began listening to their Pleads

"Your highness, the bandits have taken over the well my children don't have water to drink. I'm worried they will fall sick ." A mother cried

"They also attacked my wife your Grace now feel our village is not safe anymore please help." A villager cried

"Don't worry my people I'm going with our finest knights and we shall get rid of these bandits once and for all so don't worry ." Riley said giving them his word

"Prepare my horse Bernard, we are heading to the well right away, this has to stop my people deserve better ." Riley commands

"But my lord the marriage to the princess will solve all this please reconsider." Bernard advised

"No sense , Bernard if I'm successful that means there will be no marriage and I can be free to go to college , just prepare my horse." Riley commands

"Yes my lord." Bernard replied immediately leaving the duke side to prepare everything he needed

Ten minutes later "we a ready your Grace, we shall leave at your command ." Bernard replied

"We leave right away." Riley commands

"Of course my lord ."Bernard replied

Riley stormed out of the the throne room with one mission in mind to kill who ever has been making his people suffer and he wasn't going to show any mercy there were to pay for all they had done climbing on to his horse Riley and Bernard and the knights rode off into woods with swords in hand

galloping further in the woods Riley and knights remained vigilant their were not about take any chances the Blue Bandits had already caused a lot of harm stealing the taxes from treasury burning down villages, stealing food Riley had tried to reason of them but to no avail they even stole clothes from his people and now they had overrun the well so now it was time their were dealt with though Riley hated violence he had no choice but to fight

"Stay alert , they may attack us from anywhere I don't want take any chances ." Riley warned

"yes your highness ." Bernard responded

As they made their way further into the woods into the thick trees of the casine forest Riley asked his men to keep thier eyes open , but before Riley could finish his sentence. A storm of arrows came buzzing and fizzing through air , catching Riley and his men by surprise . Riley had only seconds to react or soon all his men would be dead .

But before he could mount any defense or get out of range . A blizzard of spears followed shrilling and blazing through the sky. bodies of the fallen begin to collapse off their horses , terrified Riley begins rally his remaining men They were out numbered and surrounded by the masked asliants

Riley knew the end was near but he was not giving up without a fight . Swords begin to clash in blood thirst war with aim turning your enemy into a cadaver using any weapon at your disposal failure was not an option , as battle raged on .

Riley noticed that these were no ordinary bandits they were trained and fought like knights most of Riley's men they hoods concealed their identities every well, as the swords continued to clash in fight for dominance cause whoever won controlled the well, there was no way in hell Riley would allow the bandits to control the well. the sound of swords became louder as Riley and his remaining knights clashed with opponents in a full on sword fight .

Riley and knights continue to fight as the bodies of fallen begin to salt earth , absolute carnage lay beneath their feet as the bodies begin to pile up Blood oozes out of them staining the ground as Riley was sword continued to slice through his opponent ,slowly he started gaining ground with his remaining five knights but soon the numbers game caught with them and they couldn't much as bandits successfully claimed all their possessions . With their stolen goods in hand the blue bandits decided to make a run for it Climbing to into the trees like Ninjas to disappear the same way they came

But Riley wasn't going to let it happen throwing his sword he cuts the ropes releasing their supplies this also caused bandits to fall from the tress but like ninjas they twisted their bodies in mid air to land on their feet . This forced the battle to rage on as Riley sword continue to clash with that of his opponent.

"Your Grace we out numbered we need to retreat we have lost a lot of men , we can't afford to loose any more ." Bernard warned

"No we can take them Bernard, I will not let them take the well ." Riley protested as his sword slice through the throat of another bandit , the headless body fell carelessly to ground below Riley's blood stained finally met the sword of leader of the bandits , he started to gain ground and managed to take off the hood of the leader of the bandits only for him to realize it's a woman hurting his ego further which urged him to keep fighting .

"Your Grace look around, most of our men are dead."Bernard said concerned

When Riley turned only to realize his ego had caused him to loose most of his men he couldn't help but feel responsible as looked at carnage below him bodies of his fallen knights laid on floor with only him and Bernard left the odds were heavily stuck against him and Bernard he knew that Bernard had no proper fighting experience but regardless he was prepared to fight for him but this was loosing battle and Riley knew it so begged the bandits to spare Bernard's life and take him as a prisoner

With that the bandits seemed to agree but double crossed Riley by shooting an arrow through Bernard causing him to die instantly with him dead they disappeared into trees which they came from. Taking Riley along with them they reach their headquarters . Thier headquarters were located in tree houses They lived in tree houses That's why we couldn't find them one of bandits Marla Said It's time we take him to the queen ."

Dragging Riley they take him to Queens chambers were he was face judgement for all he had done on arrival they force him to his knees the queen stands up pointed a sword to Riley's neck he was definitely at her mercy