Chapter 46 (Holly pov)

After bieng turned down by he dominant yesterday holly decided to run to Jessica for counsel " Riley turned me down , he never turns me down, Jessica do you think he found out that I have been lying to him. I was a prostitute for the longest time and Riley is so eloquent and well spoken , I have been wanting to tell him but as you know you and me are hiding from the cartel ,

The only reason we're still safe is because of Riley Holly he insists I always move with Johnny my shuffer, if he finds out that I'm former prostitute , He will leave me . I'm ticking time bomb cause the cartel boss is still after me , last time he almost got me by sending a cartel member In the place of Rileys girlfriend Julie Garcia , I had to flee to Botswana just to keep mum and dad safe as well was Riley and his daughter . May a be he found out that's why he doesn't want to be with me anymore.

"My friend like said , Riley said you embarrass him that your not well mannered ."

"That's not true Riley loves me , and would never say such things about me ." Holly said defending her man

"Am sorry to be the one to tell you this but it's the truth , why do you think he always chooses your clothes , or control your movements its not because he is concerned no holly it's because he is embarrassed by him ." Jessica lied hoping she could make rift between holly and Riley

" I refuse to believe it , Riley and me have been through so much together, If had a problem I'm sure he would tell me , he is very vocal when he wants something or when is mad . plus didn't they tell you it's not right to bad mouth are dying man , I love him ok , there is nothing you can say that will make him doubt him." Holly said standing her ground

"Then answer me this, have you met his whole family and have you been their house ,"

"As matter of fact I have"

"So you have met his sister and brother and his mother who doesn't even like you and asked Riley to break up with you and he decided he he would go through it ."Jessica insisted

"No he wouldn't do this to me ." Holly said crying

"I have a friend he has penile cancer but he sleeps with his girlfriend but you Riley have never had intercourse , may be it's because you might get pregnant and he is an sure about marrying you .haven't you been engaged for year think about it don't think you would be married already." Jessica said with matter fact look on her face

"No he can never do that, to me ."

"Stop living in denial ."

"I'm not"

"Then why did he turn you down , yesterday may be there is something hiding , like another woman perhaps."

Holly didn't want to admit but Jessica had successfully planted a seed of doubt in her mind about her and Riley's relationship did he know her past and that's why had not committed worried she decided to investigate and watch Riley closely

Judging from the look on holly's face Jessica knew she had successfully planted a seed of doubt in holly's mind and work was done now all she had do wait for the seed she had planted to do the rest and then she thought that with holly out of the way she could have Riley to herself and become the next duchess of chesiks and with that she left leaving holly to her thoughts

Holly didn't want to believe what she heard she knew Riley was stressing that's why he must have turned her down she was sure there was no other reason so she knew today evening would be different taking a shower shaving her legs, her core, arm pits went ahead to have long shower . Coming out of the shower she dried herself with a towel and wore Riley's favorite scent before wrapping naked body with a bow like birthday present and lay on the couch for Riley to un wrap as soon as he gets home she was sure he wouldn't be able to resist urge of being with her and it would prove Jessica wrong

Ten minutes later The door nob begins to move Holly gets in position and waited for her man to appear with pure joy and excitement in her eyes she thought it was Riley her delicious male specimen , the man that made all her fantasies come true her dominant and love of her life

But as soon as the door opened , heart started beating million times a minute, her eyes widen fear . adrenaline surged through her body like a current it was if she had seen a ghost . she couldn't believe her eyes, why was fate so cruel to her . in front of he was vile human being a ghost of her past she thought she would never see again.

Tears run down her face as her eyes widened in further shock , why was this happening , how did he find her . she had been so careful but there he was standing like a giant monstrosity he had. Come back to ruin her life yet again and she was powerless to stop him he was here to take her again back to the cartel where she had escaped a few years ago "please spare me," she begged

"No my little dove your coming back with me."

In front of her was non other than Malvado aka the Dragon the leader of the cartel struggling her with rage he asked "how dare you lay with another don't you know you are my property , so now your foolish boyfriend of yours will pay for your mistakes with his life ."

"Am sorry Malvado I don't know what came over me please spare him I will give you anything you want."

Grab her and put her in the sack cause she is going to work for us again if she doesn't I will kill her use less boyfriend and feed his body to the dogs

A naked holly Was cuffed and put in the sack and thrown into the back of truck


Authors note

Please vote and comment so that know you love the book so that I can update sooner thanks all my lovely readers and always those who have added the book to your collections please vote comment tell your friends to add the book the library so you encourage me to write the next chapter thanks for the love ❤️❤️❤️