chapter 47 (love gone missing)

After work and that unpleasant encounter with Jessica I just need to go home to my beloved cause bieng with my beloved always made feel safe and secure, just bieng in holly's arms . I loved holly more than words could say I would literally do anything to make her smile So with my mind made up I went to my favorite store Luis Vuitton store to pick up her beautiful dress for coming out party I chose a red sweet heart neckline ball gown that would go beautiful with the black siltoes I bought her I had arranged us a coming out party as the Duke and duchess of Chesiks and introduce her to people in the kingdom she was my love and my wife to be I had never felt more happier I couldn't wait to be in hands of my beloved

On arrival find in the house there was broken glass everywhere my vases were no where to be seen alll the expensive art was destroyed with holes punctured with in it Light fixtures where missing those that were there where pulled out of the clieng the house was completely a mess and I could tell this was definitely a robbery but all that changed when I went up stairs to the second floor to find all the missing pieces that were taken from the house I hopped that holly managed to make it to the panic room in time Entering the password I find holly missing and my heart immediately broke into peices someone had kidnapped the love of my life Riley was distort confused and worried breaking down in tears he couldn't believe holly was missing some horrible decrypted psycho path had taken his beloved and by house rules Riley knew holly must have been naked with only her thong on which made Riley scream in panic holly was venerable Riley couldn't waste any time announce to the royal Guard that the duchess of Chesiks has been kidnapped

no one will sleep before we find my beloved , Where is that moron Benjamin he was supposed to be like her shadow and now duchess is missing "Your Grace am right here Benjamin said before he could continue Riley slapped him across the face the impact reddens his cheek holding his cheek he went on to explain that he was with duchess the whole day until she dismissed him she was with Jessica and asked him to leave them And

you left them alone , you should pray I find her un harmed because if I don't ,I will have you hanged do you understand , ." A furious Riley exploded

"I'm sorry your Grace , it's totally my fault that the duchess is missing ." Benjamin said regretting leaving holly alone

"Shut up Benjamin before I screw your mouth shut, Right now my only focus is holly , make sure you alert all government agencies the president of this nation that bride to be for Duke of chesting is missing as well as the police the army news papers not forgetting local tv stations , we need to find my bride now before kill someone here for bieng careless with my wife.

"Off course your highness but doing this will reveal that your duke of Chesiks and your cover will be blown and you won't be safe anymore , your enemies aka blue bandits will know where you are ant try to assinate yo you please reconsider, there can be better way handle this your Grace." Paul my head of security advised

I don't care about my safety, the love of my life is missing , holly is missing , she is my priority right now and nothing else and as for my safety thats why pay you , so find my wife or will end all of you." A venomous Riley warned meaning every word he uttered out of rage

"Yes as you wish your Grace."

"Very soon those morons we will have no where to hide cause the whole world will be looking for them they will return holly to me ." Paul the head of security

"Setup a meeting with the president of the us and the king of britian and other world leaders and presidents like king Saudi Arabia and prince of Dubai to mention but a few.

"Iam sorry to meet under such circumstances but Iam the duke of chessiks for those that don't know me the reason for this meeting and conference is that the future Duchess of chesiks is missing she has been kidnapped I want your cooperation to ensure she is found I want the demented physcos that have her, to have no where to go"

" We are apologizing for such thing to happen to such an important nation and kingdom as chesiks for times chesiks has helped us in past we are more than happy to put our nation's resources at your disposal be it land , or sea our armies navy's police , detectives tv stations the UN National guards security agencies will be all at your disposal these hooligans will have no where to hide the president of the USA said "We shall put out an amber alert To all the local tv stations across the Uk and all over we will find her your Grace don't worry." All the world leaders said in agreement

"Thanks for your cooperation am sure I will findThe following day all tv stations across the world run hollys picture across socials and on the air calling her the future duchess of Chesiks while te story aired hollys dad watching a match It was interrupted by breaking news "We interrupt the this program to tell you that duchess of chesiks has been kidnapped, Ms Holly Von Hiest, the daughter of renowned billionaire Johnathan Von Hiest was kidnapped late evening while the duke of Chesiks was at work, mr Riley Clemons he said he found his house trashed and total disray he was distraught and had this to say" WHO EVER HAS MY DUCHESS WILL PAY WITH HIS LIFE." no one steals from duke and lives to tell and holly my love hang in there I will find you."

Honey come Mr Von Heist said calling his wife Emily Von Hiest , what is it Johnathan am cooking , honey look.

"No honey she can't be duchess there must be a misunderstanding, we will go down to station and find out hurry getting dressed our baby needs us get out of your robe now."

"We must bieng punked, where are the cameras honey, this fake news Riley isn't a duke." Emily von Hiest replied her husband

"No I doubt they would joke about something like that, let's go and find out for sure." John replied to his wife

Ok let grab my purse baby from the room and we get going."Emily retorted

Ok fine I will be here one minute later Emily returned with her purse they continued to head to front door they open it to reveal FBI agents and Royal guards color instantly drains from thier faces and Mrs Von Hiest passes out