Chapter 02 Trials

A year had passed since my daughter's death, my princess and everyone around us is saying that kris should get pregnant again and that will help her a lot because she has been through a very delicate and difficult time for us, and with that the conflicts too because I feel guilty for everything that happened without saying that she thinks I want her to have another child, but she wants to know I don't want after everything that we have been through, I don't want to go through it again how to say it to her.

She has done everything to get pregnant, but I don't say anything I'll let her see how far all this is going. God's plans in our lives.

After everything that happened to us happened, I don't want to go through it again. I have no friends to talk to, the only one who hears me and Marcus and Robert but she has her sisters and now sisters Célia and Rose who she always says:

-UE it was God who put them in our way, there was also the sister Regina and Pastor Eduardo plus he was sent to do mission in Greece about 6 months ago and I can say that Kris suffered a lot with her sister going so far I thought she would not support it, but God will put the other sisters on his way and my secretary Joli that I thought I would lose because the two were very close together it makes me happy to see my beloved wife trying to be happy because after the death of our daughters the smile disappeared from her good face and who knows one pregnancy brings us happiness again.

I just got home because the company office is very far from the center now because we had to buy a house because neither she nor I had the courage to return to our apartments after the accident by her salesman to him in our other home. But I said that we put it on rent. I looked for her everywhere and nothing about her where is she going to call on her cell phone.

He called and went straight to the good message box. I think I'm going to buy an iPhone for her and for me so I will know where she is seeing the tracker he has. I went to the bedroom to take a shower more when I enter the bathroom I saw a scene that made my heart stop beating at the same time. I saw my wife lying on the bathroom floor passed out with a lot of blood. I ran to her and I felt that she is cold and pale at this moment. I carried her in my arm and changed her clothes. She left with her on her lap and we went to the hospital.

On the way, I called her doctor, but he did not pay attention, but at this time I started to pray to God to deliver us and for him to return his life to her. I arrived at the hospital, on duty, we were on the phone quickly, he saw the state of my wife. Minutes later he came over to where I was to give me the news

- Well, I'm dr. Caleb and I'm handling your wife's case sir,

- Jack Spatula and how is she, doctor?

- Well apparently she is fine, but I need to see her exams I saw in her history that she is in the right treatment

- Yes, Dr. Caleb

- Can you show me

- Of course, I will ask my mother-in-law to bring

- Okay Jack when I arrive I need to see and by the way, I will see if I can talk to her doctor and inform him what is happening. He spoke and left I could not see her where she was and he said only the other day. So it wasn't long before my mother-in-law arrived with the exams in her hand, it was a lot of exams for her.

- Only half of what she had done so I took him to the doctor to look at him when he saw the exams. It makes a guy with few friends. I was afraid. Because I didn't know the seriousness of the problem, I didn't understand anything about it, I saw him make a call and during the conversation, I didn't know who he was talking to, I became more concerned, with every expression he made or gestured, the conversation I heard him say

- I will do what you are instructing me, ok I will wait for you here, come quickly friend, see you. With every minute that my affliction passed, it only increased, at that time I was afraid, very afraid of losing the best I had in my life, I couldn't lose my wife because what I have left in this life was just her, nothing more, I loved him a lot and the feeling of loss was great in my soul. I started to ask the one who can do the only thing that could do anything, he was our God who created everything.