Chapter 12 The Vacation

We were already arriving at our first destination, we would stay in Greece for three days, then Rome, Italy, England, and the last would be Venice and we would return to Brazil. My dream was always to know Greece and as always my beautiful husband was making my dream come true we stayed three days in that country it was beautiful and there was no lack of love and affection between us we were so happy that the feces were afraid of something happening to spoil our happiness then we followed Rome.

Rome was beautiful, a wonderful and mystical country. I loved everyone. I spent wonderful food. We met the most famous tourist spots in the world and my beloved husband was always fond of me. We stayed two days later, we traveled to Italy. I met grapevines and deposited wines, and the most we were in the world with us we did not drink alcoholic beverages so we drank the most delicious grape juice I have ever drunk in my life. And we eat a lot of pasta.

-Love after this vacation we will have to do physical activities to end the mass and pounds that we are gaining in this wonderful vacation.

- Really, my little one, you're getting a little ball, you know,

-Serious? Then I will stop eating then, after saying this he started to laugh and I asked:

- What's so funny, Mr. Spatula, then he told me

- My princess if you saw the face you made.

- À is your cute boy can stop because you are not left behind did you know you're looking like a polar bear; he was serious then it was my turn to laugh at him because he made a guy. And so we spent two more days in Italy then we travel to England where we will stay more days because I want to visit all the sights and the home of Janez Hostess. She is my favorite writer. And so everything was wonderful, every place we visited, I was thrilled, because everything was beautiful when we visited Janez's house. I cried because there were a lot of things that she used in the first pen. her greatest atonements in her book where she found her one true love in that place in the woods I felt huge love for my beautiful husband and cried with emotion because I know her story because she suffered for love and cannot live with him anymore I was there with my love.

Jack hugged me he knew I was thrilled to be there in that wonderful place with him. Then we go back to the hotel and we are going to relax on the next day we would travel because we would go to Venice the city of eternal boyfriends I was very happy because these trips are being another third honeymoon for me. We arrived in Venice and we would stay there five days before returning to Brazil and our tour and vacation would end there. We had agreed to stay with our cell phones off for nothing to work on our vacation and so we did. And nothing worked at our time and there was more beautiful and more complete our days in that wonderful city and I felt that my love only grew more for my prince every gesture every detail every word of love that he spoke to me I grew something inside of me.

-My love as I love you the beautiful

-My little one I love even more every day

-I love you here and there in heaven and even in eternity, I will love you my beautiful. The day came to return to our country, we were now going to travel in the north and south of our country starting in the south because of the climate, We were already at the airport because the jet was being used on a trip with some model from the magazine and with our tour of Europe over, we decided not to wait, otherwise, our holiday in Brazil would be short and we wanted to make the most of each day every day. side by side and so we were sitting in the waiting room waiting for we flew when we heard someone call out to Jack screaming at this moment we turned around and a blonde girl came to meet us and was already hugging my husband and the cowboy rage and my blood boiled it on the spot. And Jack said:

-Melissa When time

-For a long time and what you do here in Venice

-I'm on vacation with my beautiful wife and we're going to Brazil

- What a coincidence I am also going to Brazil

- Well Melissa, this is my beautiful wife. At this time the cowgirl looked me up and down with a disgusted face and I reached out to greet her just out of politeness because she was dying of anger because she pretended she didn't see me there

- Pleased to meet Melissa

- There is a pleasure to meet the famous Kristina. She said that with an air of irony in her voice and I felt that there would be more problems there as our destiny would be different that is what I thought.