Chapter 19 Beginning of the Pastorate

2 weeks later

Two weeks had passed and we were embarking on a flight that would change our lives from water to wine because we did not know what was waiting for us only knew that God had shown the pastor the work we needed to do for him and nothing else.

-Love, I'm scared, I said

- Calm down, my princess need not be afraid God is in control of everything in our lives and everything is for his glory

- How will it be when we get there?

- I don't know yet, the pastor said he wants to talk to us before going to the conversion table for us to present to the pastors and then we'll know what's going to happen after he said that I leaned my head against the plane window and fell asleep.

Dream"beloved daughter do not worry everything is in my hands everything and starting today your life will not be the same because I am the one who left your name and I do everything to bless you, you went through a process only after this process that will be sent away stay calm and trust me you know that you love and you are the apple of my eye "Kristina trust, trust ...."

- My beautiful wake up we arrived,

- Wow, it was fast, Jack, I had a dream,

- A dream about me?

- No, my love, I dreamed of God, on the way home I count

- Seriously, are we all going? And so we owe the plane and we took our bags, we didn't bring much and we didn't even tell our family, nobody knows about our coming. inside the car that Jack sends for us at the airport and we get into it quickly so that nobody recognizes us because we don't want to be in the news.

-Love what you dreamed of can you tell me?

- God spoke to me about the work"beloved daughter do not worry everything is in my hands everything and starting today your life will not be the same because I am the one who left your name and I do everything to bless you you went through a process only after this process that will be sent far away from quiet and trust.

- JACK, he told us to trust him

- Our love everything and confirmation of God in our life even I have no doubts about it

- I also don't love then we went home and as the boss didn't go with us, my beloved husband called her to let us know of our arrival, as she always did my favorite food, lasagna amo, and roasted Syrian kibbeh,

- Wow, do you like it, huh?

- My princess, I know you miss my food,

- We are really good and a lot said

-my beautiful after lunch Jack called the pastor to say that we had arrived and he scheduled the meeting with him for 10 am tomorrow, and so the rest of the day went by and we went to see my sister and my nephews without mentioning my new niece. 

Alice that he adopted, and the girl was beautiful, she looked like me if she said that she was my daughter, because even her eyes and hair everything and my brother-in-law Alex made a joke

- Kris if you were a man I would say that you jumped the fence with another woman and did Alice, but my husband did not like the joke and was sulking and did not say anything else and everyone will laugh to see him angry then he decided to say:

- So I'm going to take my wife's copy away because since she made a daughter then it's ours then it was my brother-in-law's turn to get angry and all of them laughed at him I said:

- Let's go to the two of you, it looks like two children playing with toys and little Alice and beautiful, but let's leave her where she is,

- Kris, why don't you adopt a child, huh? It would be a great idea, my sister said:

- Not many thanks if it were for me to raise children God had left my daughters with me if he took her, so there is no reason for me to raise children who are not mine. After saying that, there was silence in the room and we changed the subject and so we went home. 

The next day we went to talk to the pastor and he told us how God showed him and that we would take over a church for 6 months and after that, we would be sent to missionary work and he scheduled to present the conversion table between 2:00 and 2:00 pm enter woman I would be the first to participate in it after we went home, 

Two days later 

we were in the waiting room for the meeting that would change our life. We waited 2 hours until they called us to enter the meeting room. As soon as we entered I was amazed that the room had an ovulated table and all the pastors present there he introduced us to everyone. the pastors present and then spoke of the call of God in our life and everyone was teary-eyed with our story and how God was doing in our life, then said that we would have 30 days to resolve our particular thing and then take over the church we leave there and we go to my mother's farm and on the way to me and Jack we didn't talk, we just stayed in silence for two hours of travel without talking each one in his thoughts and so we ended up doing it and he looked at me and said:

- My life we ​​will not say anything to your mother and no one now,

- Ok my love I know let's just talk after we have been to the church, And so it was, we stayed with my mother three days later we went back to São Paulo and moved everything back to Cuiabá and with 15 days everything was tidy and for our return, we said goodbye to the church that we will miss because the brothers in such a short time we learned to love those people in a special way and I felt it was a different love that I had never felt before.

Three days later

We were already in Cuiabá and we are going to a service to take our letter of change as the pasture requested and as soon as he called a pastor friend I arrive saying:

- Welcome to your church is already waiting 45 days for you, and I looked at Jack and swallowed, we were introduced and many brothers who knew us did not know that we had changed and was already back and the pastor said that we were taking over a church but he didn't say where it was, after the service he informed us that we were supposed to go to see the church and see the house but Jack said that we would see the church and then we would see a house near the church. 

And so the other day we went to see the church and in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Cuiabá more, but there were a lot of closed condominiums around it and being close to the city center and so we decided to go to a house in one of the tenants that were ours we only let the tenants know that we are going to need the house, and so we set the day for the inauguration. We were received with joy by the brothers of the church and have already arranged a party to celebrate our arrival.