Black Assault

Section One

Ghoul Underground

"What's going on, why haven't we heard from Riley?" Allen asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I can't get through to her," Evan said.

"What if they took her or worse," Paige said worried Sean placed his hands on her shoulder rubbing it gently.

"The ghouls here are at their capacity, we must do something to stop this hunt," Sean said sternly.

Allen sighed, this was too much for them to bear.

*Sounds Of Choppers*

"Do you hear that?" Allen asked, confused.

"That's a chopper sound," Evan said certainly.

"What is a chopper doing in section one, they can't be on patrol can they?" Paige asked to fear for the worst, they all turned walking to the wide veranda that had a view. They halted.

"It can't be," Sean said unbelievably when he saw the chopper.

They were shocked, the other ghouls noticed this too but it was too late, the chopper fired a missile.


Section Four

Riley turned, she knew something was up, something didn't feel right. She walked to and fro thinking.

Liam stood close to the window looking into a distance, he turned to her, he knew something happened.

"Riley" he began.

"The hunt, killings of ghouls," Riley said in deep thought, it was all connected for some reason. She turned to Liam.

"It's all the Order, to draw out ghouls but why?" She was confused.

"You said section one was off the radar" Liam said.

"Yes but-". She froze in realization, her eyes widened.

"It wasn't about the ghouls hunted, it was about drawing the ghouls to the underground because they have already found it," Riley said, stunned. "They are after the underground!".


Section One

Ghoul Underground

Everything sounded loudly in Allen's ears like rings, he groaned opening his eyes, his body shook in pain as he forced it to move, but he felt a pillar on one of his legs, he growled in pain as he looked around, everything was on fire and destroyed, his heart sank seeing this. He looked around searching, he found Evan unconscious on the ground.

"Evan!" he called hoping he would wake up.

"Evan!" he called again, Evan groaned holding his bleeding head.

"Sir," he said. He forced his body up.

"Claw," Evan said as his Claw came out and growled, carrying the pillar off Allen's leg. Evan helped him up, but he couldn't fully stand on his own, the bone slowly regenerated but it would take some time because he was gravely injured.

"Sir how did the agent find out our location," Evan said on the verge of tears, it was all over now.

"PAIGE!". They heard Sean shout, they turned and found Sean close to a pillar but what made them paralyze in shock was, Paige was crushed by a pillar, her blood flowing everywhere, only her left side face showed, her eyes opened but no life in them.

"Paige no, no!" Sean cried trying to move the pillar, Allen limped toward him. He placed his hand on his shoulder, Sean turned to Allen with tears in his eyes.

"Paige she's-".

"Gone" Allen finished for him, Sean broke into tears crying painfully.

"It's not fair," he cried.

Evan sobbed, cleaning the tears on his cheeks that fell. He looked around and some ghouls survived but that was about to end.

*Loud Gunshots*

The agents swam in taking out ghouls, some ghouls retaliated, their Claw's coming out as chaos began.

"They will pay," Sean said, rushing towards the scene.

"Sean!" Allen called but it was no use.

"Evan," he said. Evan nodded, rushing to aid Sean. Allen looked around, he spotted a woman struggling to move, he rushed to her aid.

Chase shot at any ghouls he saw, killing them instantly, he turned to Nicole.

"Take the east wing".

She nodded moving with some agents.

Chase walked further, other agents spread out moving. Chase heard muffled sounds. He pointed his gun to the sound and saw a little girl crying, he lowered his gun a bit but then the girl screamed, her eyes changed as her Claw surge out coming for Chase, he moved away quickly before the sharp fingers cut his head off clean, he fired a shot and it penetrated the girl's chest, she landed on the ground. Chase tore his eyes away moving further.



Riley ran as fast as she could, Liam behind her but she halted when she saw the building, it was on fire, agents firing, ghouls attacking but the agents gained the upper hand.

"No," Riley said as tears filled her eyes.

"Dad," she said, rushing inside.

Liam was about to move too but then he halted when he felt his hand vibrating like it was phasing of black shadow. The ghost inside him felt a presence and he knew it, it came from the building, something was in there, something that got Ghost stirred up, Liam rushed in, he had to get to Riley fast.

Riley looked around the burning veranda, she rushed further inside.

"Dad!" She called looking around, she froze when she saw bodies of ghouls and agents on the ground, bloody everywhere, she swallowed, she walked towards the other side. She was careful passing through the sides on fire, some parts were blocked by rocks and pillars, everything was gone, everything they built for the safety of ghouls was all gone, years of hard work.

"All of you go," Allen said to some children as they rushed out.

Riley smiled when she saw her father helping some ghouls out. The flames separating them made it harder to see but she could recognize her father's voice anywhere.

"Dad" Riley said relieved, Allen turned when he heard her voice, he smiled.

"Riley," he said, he was glad she was okay. She stepped further but a shot came in. Riley's smile faded slowly.

Allen halted when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he coughed blood and slowly looked down on his chest, blood flowed out, he raised his head to face Riley but the flame made it harder to see.

"DADDDD!" Riley screamed as her father's lifeless body landed on the ground revealing the Ghoul killer.


Liam was in the building, he didn't know where to look, everything was destroyed, flames everywhere.

"Liam O'Brien".

He halted when he heard a familiar voice. He heard the gun click. He turned. Nicole pointed her gun at him.

"We finally have some time alone," she said darkly.

"You became an agent," he said.

"You finally noticed me, good," she said.

"You killed my father" she spat, Liam's look darkened.

"Yes I did," he said sternly.

Nicole let out a gasp.

"How could you? How could you do this to me!" she hissed in tears.

Liam turned about leaving.

"Don't you dare walk away from me Liam or I will pull the trigger" She warns. Liam halted, turning his head a bit.

"Then do it," he said, facing her. Her hands trembled with the gun like it was too heavy for her.

"You can't, can you?" Liam reasoned the tears fell from her eyes.

"Because part of you doubts what the agency told you," he adds.

He walked toward her, but still, she couldn't fire the gun, she was helpless. He stood right in front of her, the gun pointing right at his chest, she swallowed.

"Are you going to kill me?" she asked, shaking. He pulled down her gun.

"You know I never do anything without a reason. He leaned close to her ear, Nicole sighed a bit relieved.

"I will never forget how your father killed my sister," Liam said darkly.

On hearing those words her eyes widen.

"What?" she trembled, he redrew from her, she froze at his deadly stare that got her pinned down, it was a whole new Liam O'Brien and it frightens her to the core.

"Am sure the agency didn't tell you that. What really happens" he said sternly.

"You're just another enemy to me, Nicole. You join the agency to kill ghouls right? Well, that makes both of us enemies" he said.

"I hope you're up for it" he adds darkly, turning as he walks away, leaving a paralyze Nicole.

Riley's world around her was crashed, Seth saw her from a distance but her face wasn't clear.

"Dad, you say?" Seth said amused.

"You must be the daughter".

Riley was furious.

"I love family ghouls," he said slowly, walking towards her a bit.

"They amuse me".

He fired the gun, Riley didn't see the bullet coming, her breath caught but Liam was already in front of her taking the bullet, it passed through his shoulder, he held it in pain.

"Liam!" Riley said, holding him steady.

Liam pulled up the light material around her neck to cover her nose and mouth. Riley was surprised at this action, instead of worrying about his wound he was more concerned about her identity being exposed.

"We finally met"

They turned to Seth who walked towards them finally in plain sight.

"Black ghoul," Seth said amused.

Liam's look darkened.

"The Order is pretty tough to let a kid like you do their dirty work," Liam said darkly.

"I might just surprise you," he shrugs.

"Enough surprise" Liam hissed.

Riley's eyes widened when a black shadow came out of Liam's back, like a zap something Riley couldn't see, Ghost came at Seth in speed digging his hand in Seth's stomach, blood trailed from his lips, Ghost roared flinging him to the other side, blood splashing everywhere.

Ghost turned to Liam smirking, its tongue moving back and forth. Liam walked towards Ghost holding his shoulder. His hand vibrated again, his eyes stared at his phasing hand, and then it hit him.

"So that's what's got you stirred up, Ghost," Liam said then he smiled darkly, Riley blinked at Liam's sudden change of expression.

"I guess humans aren't our only enemy," Liam said amused.

"Right? Ghoul killer".

The moment Liam said that Riley froze, Seth got up, the hole in his body closing up like it wasn't even there to begin with. He stood fully.

"Seems like I underestimated you black ghoul" the moment Seth said that, something like a red shadow came flowing out of his chest, it unfolded of red bandages, and then a red Claw forged beside him, red in color. It had several pointy horns on its forehead. Seth's eyes changed to all back and the center red with white around them, so did the Claw's eyes.

"I would like you to meet Rath," Seth said amused.

"What is that?" Riley said shakily.

"Riley, get out of here now!" Liam yelled.

"Let's dance," Seth said, like a flashpoint of speed Rath zapped making a buzz-like sound, it passed Liam to Riley.

Riley was in shock at what was coming to her. Ghost instantly went after Rath pushing it off as they fought roaring at each other with their sharp fangs and claws. Liam turned to Seth but he was already in front of him, he held Liam tightly on the throat raising him off his feet, Liam choked.

"Depending on Ghost too much, such a pity" Seth said sticking his tongue, with one fling, Liam came clashing with two pillars breaking it instantly.

"LIAM!" Riley shouted in horror, she faced Seth furious, she shouted as her Claw surged out and came after him.

"Rath!" Seth hissed.

Rath kicked Ghost off him up to the upper part of the building causing a crash. Rath zapped Riley's Claw, slitting its head off cleanly.

Riley held her chest in pain coughing blood, her Claw reversed back inside her, she felt weakened as her vision was giving out. In a zap buzz, Rath was in front of her, he flung her hard, the impact got to her head and she fainted. Seth slowly walked towards her unconscious body.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Liam growled forcing his body up, his wounds healing instantly.

In a flash, Ghost was in front of Liam waiting for any attack.

"Make me," Seth said darkly as Rath roared at them coming, Ghost roared waiting for the attack. Seth smiled but then it faded. He didn't even see them coming.

A young woman stood in front of him smiling, face covered.

"Hello Ghoul killer," she said amused.

Seth froze, with one kick to the face, Seth was sent flying across the other side. Rath noticed this turning, Ghost used that opportunity to bite down on its neck, it roared as Ghost bit the head off, Rath reversed. So did Ghost, Liam took harsh breaths going on his knees holding his chest.

"Things like that shouldn't weaken you" he heard a voice, Liam raised his head, a man stood in front of him, face covered also, the woman walked toward him.

"You haven't reached the full length of your powers" he adds.

"Who are you?" Liam asked, puzzled.

"My name is Rory Lake and this is my twin sister Iris," Rory said, as they unravel their faces.

"We are from the Black Lotus and we are here for you," Iris said.


A few Minutes Later

Chase walked around the place, there was no more ghouls insight which means the mission was a success, he sighed in relief but he saw Seth on the ground unconscious in a distance, panicking he rushed towards him but then halted in shock when a red Claw, unlike anything he has seen reversed back inside Seth and then it hit him. Seth was a ghoul.



Riley groaned slowly and opened her eyes, her head resting on a wall she gasped as the memories flooded in as she looked around the agents were retreating in a distance. The building burnt to ruins but the fire is still on. Liam stood in front, watching the building.

"No!" Riley said in tears, she cried remembering her father's death, others were gone too, everything was gone.

"What would your father want after all this" Liam began. Her teary eyes drifted to him, he turned to her.

"He would want you to put all this behind and live a normal life," he adds.

Riley blinked.

"What do you mean Liam," Riley said slowly standing to her feet. It took some minutes of silence.

"I'm leaving Riley" Liam said.

Riley's eyes slowly widened, everything was slow around them like time stopped, the wind around them blew slowly.

Liam walked towards her, her heart slammed loudly in her chest, she took harsh breaths as her lips went apart, she was able to say something but he walked past her. Riley was stiff, her chest was in pain as she turned.


He halted. She didn't know what to say or do, it was all too confusing.

"I will make everything right. Their death will not be in vain. I promise" those were his words as he walked away.

"Liam!" Riley said but he didn't turn he kept walking further and further away from her. She should have said those words, that she didn't want him to leave. But she couldn't bring herself to. 'Please don't leave Liam'. She thought but she didn't voice it out, a mistake that will haunt her.

Liam was gone.