Black Lining


Lorna sat all by herself, she went through some files in a mini transparent iPad. It was given to her by Jesse to help her catch up. She went through the black ghoul biography, it just stated his unique qualities of switching places with his Claw, their immense strength, and fast healing abilities unlike other ghouls nothing about any personal information. Also, the rumor of his black Claw known as 'Ghost' has a mind of his own but no further detail. His organization called the 'Silver lining' simply having one goal to bring down the agency.

She sighs, checking the time on her phone. It read 9:54 pm. It was late, tomorrow was another day, she should head home.

Her eyes drift to the registered gun that was given to her as a full agent now. She took it sliding it in her gun pouch.


Thirtieth Floor