Black Result

"Liam!" Iris said breathlessly, tears whelming up instantly, after three long years she finally heard his voice. She was stunned and happy, her efforts for tracking him did pay off after all and she was glad it did because it was worth hearing his voice again.

She sobs, taking a deep breath about saying something but then the connection went off. She froze, her eyes widening. 

"No!" Iris panicked, she checked the transparent air computer, the trace signal was suddenly offline.

"No, no, no," Iris said as her hands went through the keyboard, trying to restore the signal but it kept cracking and cracking until there was nothing left.

Her eyes shake, she leans on her chair running her fingers in her hair, she breaks into tears removing the headset and flinging it away in anger.

Just a few seconds ago she heard from him and then nothing. 

"Why?" she cried.


One week Later

Section Eleven

The Black Lotus