Black Demand

"I want everyone ready, we are going in soon," Chase said as they got ready.

"We got some info, there are hostages," Jesse said. Chase pause.

"Hostages?! Ghouls don't keep hostages" Chase said, puzzled.

"But these are V-ghoul's sir," she said.


They whirled, and Lorna walked toward them.

"What is it, Agent Hart?" he demands. 

"There's a call for you, from inside," she said. Chase blinks. 

They walked towards the van that held computers and comm. They handed Chase a comm.

"Yes," Chase said darkly.

"Hello, agent Wyatt or should I call you Chase," Wayne said through the comm. 

"I believe I have been calling your cell but you're not responding," he said.

"What?!" Chase said, puzzled as he reached for his phone, he froze when saw the missed calls from Renee.

"I guess you understand now," he said amused. Chase's eyes widened. 

"No," he trembles.