Black Visit

One Week Later

Lorna's Residence 

Lorna opened her fridge reaching for a bottle of wine, she took the bottle out, sighing.

"Yeah Jesse, I am fine and I will surely be at work on Monday, no need to worry," Lorna said on a call. It has been a week and she was a bit okay now, but her partner was always worried about her, and it was Jesse who kept telling her to get a check-up in the agency medical center and of course, she didn't agree to it because she knew she was perfectly fine, the only hurt was her head from constantly thinking about the encounter with the black ghoul, it still hurts!

"I know Lorna, it's good you're okay now, what you just need is an assignment to get your head back in the game," Jesse said through the small earplugs Lorna had in her ears.

Lorna pours the wine into her glass.

"Exactly what I need," Lorna said while drinking.

"And about those files" she adds.