Black Drug [4]

Lorna sighed, what was with this ghoul girl that kept following her around, so now what the humans knew her too? She had to find a way to stop this confusion, but how would she? It wasn't her fault that she looked like some ghoul, in frustration she answers.

"I'm sorry, you mistake me for someone else" Lorna said with gritted teeth, she might not show it but a particular problem of being mixed up with a ghoul kind of made her pissed.

"No, no, I am sure of it, you're Riley, you look just like her," Cindy said stepping forward, how could her eyes deceive her, she was literally staring at Riley.

"Okay what's going on?" Jesse said lost, looking back and forth between the two, it was like they kept her in a time loop and she didn't like it.

"It's nothing," Lorna said sternly. She faced the woman.