Black Predator [2]

2 years ago

The Year 2023

Los Angeles Agency Branch

Conference Hall

"As an agent, we uphold our utmost duty to keep the country safe. The government has long given us the authority to wield military power to eliminate humanity's greatest foe… Ghouls" a man wearing a white long sleeve shirt folded to the arms, along with brown pants and black shoes said.

Lorna listened carefully at what he said, they were about hundreds of them present in the hall, listening attentively. This was mandatory for every agent to attend the briefing, even though Lorna hated the classes and preferred training, she was no exception.

She sighs, folding her arms and leaning her back against the comfortable chair. She crosses her right leg against the other. This was boring to her but she listened. They said it was important so she had no choice in the matter.