Black Info

A pile of papers dropped to the table.

"How the hell did you get caught up in this Lorna?" Barbra said, rubbing her temples.

"Look Aunt, it wasn't my fault my shirt had the black ghoul prints all over it. What Agent Wyatt did was wrong. How could he go that far as viewing me as a suspect? What will the rest of the team think? That I had a hand in the drugs or that I manipulated being kidnapped or that I hurt Jesse and got myself shot?" Lorna said.

'Okay I did get myself shot but blamed FOR THE REST?' she thought in her head.

"I know you had nothing to do with this, but Chase has to follow protocols which are mine"

"So you told him to view me as a suspect and kick me out of the case?"

"It's understandable Lorna you don't get to question that and not give you special treatment".