Black Ball [3]

The classical music changed to another rhythm, other partners filled the dance floor following with the loud beats.

Lorna's eyes caught Liam and Iris dancing.

She faces Chase.

"Okay this particular song is about changing dance partners," Lorna said.

"So what's the plan?" he asked, spinning her for a brief second.

"We swap with the black ghoul, I think I can get answers from him," she said, coming back to him.

"What makes you think he will disclose any info to you?"

"Well because he doesn't know my identity, he thinks I am a ghoul so will just have a friendly ghoul chat" she shrugs.

"That's a stupid plan," Chase said scowling, a beat came in.

"Well too late," she said, leaving his arms and then spinning.

Before Chase could act Iris was now in his arms, he mentally cursed but forced a smile on the outside, his eyes drifting to Lorna locked in the black ghoul arms, he felt unease.