Black Immune

Three Days Later

Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

*Loud Beeping Monitor Machine*

Lorna groans, slowly opening her eyes, blinking her eyelashes as her eyes adjust to the newfound bright lights around. She groaned once more weakly looking around her, she was in the agency's special medical facility, on the bed with several types of equipment connected to her.

"You're awake!"

She heard a voice, looking around for the owner, she found doctor Steve walking towards her with a smile against his lips wearing his white doctor coat.

"Was it that bad?" she asked weakly, referring to the equipment connected to her, it wasn't a pleasant sight.

He made a hmm sound with a thoughtful face, she blinked because the face made him resemble Liam for a brief second.

"On a scale from 1-10, I say 9" he answers with a smile.

"Did I?" she asked with horror in her eyes, fearing what happened after she passed out.