Black Heart [2]

Outskirts Of The City 

Silver-lining Manor 

Iris paced in front of the Silver-lining Manor, her arms folded, she turned when a black car drop-in, the door opened as Liam got down.

"Iris," he said puzzled, she rushed and hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly, going on her tiptoes to reach his height.

Liam just stood frozen, his hands still at his side not embracing her.

"It's been days Liam," she said shakily, not wanting to let go.

"You've been acting strange".

Liam was silent, his eyes glued to the floor, not getting a response from him, she broke the hug pulling away.

"You've got an organization to look out for" she began sternly.

"You have a purpose, that one purpose to bring down the agency and I understand if you have to use that agent to get to your goal".

Liam blinks as his head snaps to face her.

"Who told you that?!" he demands.