Black Pair

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Lorna shouts as she and Jesse are in hot pursuit of a Claw on the run, they follow it to a lonely alley, still on the chase.

"Come in, come in, we need backup" Jesse hissed to her comm.

"Damn that Claw walker!" Lorna hissed, shooting at it but it dodges the bullet with ease and then stops abruptly, facing them with a roar, others emerge from the buildings, crawling out like spiders, about ten of them.

"Fuck!" Jesse cursed.

"It's a trap," Lorna said, setting her gun, it made an automatic sound, rebooting.

they were outnumbered and surrounded.

The one they pursue, shift to human form. He was wearing only jeans, shirtless, revealing his full-body tattoo for them to see. He smirks.

"How about that, agents?" he mocked in a sick manner.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN OUTRUN ME!" he roars in a double voice of him and his monster within.


10 Hours Earlier