Black Heat

Lorna slowly opened her eyes, she groaned turning to the other side, her eyes caught her pillow with claw marks, she bit her lip rubbing her thighs together, she moaned, her body still sensitive. She sat up swiftly, the covers barely covering her naked body, she looked around her bed, it was a mess, the sheets were in a mess, claw marks evident like an animal got loose.

She pulled the cover off her, swinging her lips off the bed, standing on her feet, she turned to the wall close to the bed gasping. It had claw marks also, she would have to get a new wallpaper, that's for sure.

She walks to her full body mirror assessing her looks, she froze. Her shoulder-length hair was tangled in all areas and wild, and her body, yes, that was what nearly stopped her heart, there were bite marks all over her body, wasn't deep, just red and bruised like a hickey but it would take weeks before it healed.

"Okay," Lorna said in a shaky breath.