Black Club [2]

The music booms loudly with every beat, Liam stood at a corner, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a glass of drink he took a sip from. His eyes fixed on the dance floor.

Iris walks up to him, she stands beside him folding her arms.

"Any word on Cain?" he asked, not sparing her a glance.

"No nothing," she shrugs.

"Who are you looking for?" She asked, noticing his eyes scanning the crowd.

"You're looking for that agent aren't you?" she said, rolling her eyes.

Liam ignores her.

"Too bad" she murmurs under her breath, taking her drink.

Liam caught that as his head snapped towards her.


"What?" she snaps, facing him with angry eyes.

"You know something don't you," Liam said deadly.

"We are here to catch the drug king, not worry about an agent," she said darkly.

Liam's muscles tensed, something was off, he and Ghost felt it.