Black Cloud

Section Six

Lorna's residence

The showers go on automatically, down on the bathtub, the blood washes down the drain. Lorna washes her hair, face, and body, her eyes closed the whole time.

A few minutes later she was done, walking out of her room wearing loose pants and a sweater, her hair still damp with water. She walks towards the living room, Jesse was present watching a show from the tv, noticing Lorna's present her attention drift as she sat up on the couch.

"Hey," she said, sounding as cheerful as she could, but Lorna just sat next to her, pulling her knees to her chest.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine" her answer was short and simple.

"You have been through a lot with the drug king and everything, I couldn't imagine what you went through inside that room with those Claws and then the black ghoul attacking, to be in the middle of that is not something to recover from," Jesse said, placing a hand on her shoulder.